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Manuals and Product Releases
Release 35.221 (14.07)
Dec 18 2024
*PC The historical T4A generation of XML files now handles the new T619 header, needed for 2025 submissions.
*PC The historical T4 generation of XML files now handles the new T619 header, needed for 2025 submissions.
*PC The T4A generation of XML files now handles the new T619 header, needed for 2025 submissions.
*PC The year end function for “Nova Scotia basic exemptions” has been removed now that the TD1 amounts are automatically computed during the calculate deductions phase, as this function is now obsolete.
*PC The T4 generation of XML files now handles the new T619 header, needed for 2025 submissions.
*PC The history version of the T4, T4A and releve print functions have been enhanced to check the entered form id against the tax year to confirm thatthe user has selected the right form id. The user may override this warning with the F2 key, but a confirmation code must be entered, since this would be highly unusual.
*PC The magvalidator has been updated for 2024/2025, please download from website.
Release 35.220 (14.07)
Dec 18 2024
*RW The esend function to keep a memo copy has been enhanced so that it is faster at finding an open sequence number, since busy customers can geta large number of memos, and the sequence number find could slow down.
*IC The find kit transaction window has been enhanced so that if the order has been invoiced and posted, or if the order is no longer on file, then the order number field shows “Invoiced” instead, to indicate that the the order for this kit transaction is complete.
*IC The kit transaction entry screen would, when showing a kit transaction that was created by (linked to) an OE order that has been invoiced, show the kit posting date instead of the order’s invoice date. This has been corrected.
*OE The invoice posting routine would fail to update the invoice number on any associated kit transaction records. This has been corrected.
*RW The system could, when using menu style 1, encounter a crash for menus with more than 21 entries plus a F2 second page. This has beencorrected.
*RW The last line on the screen could sometimes have a leftover box with Y or N in it, after an “Are you sure?” or “Any change?” question. This has been corrected.
Release 35.219 (14.07)
May 16 2024
*IC The inventory control information screen adds various fields to support the samco option CS2656 for integration with AIMS system electronic shelf
*DX The 850 import has been enhanced so that if a customer/item translation is not found and the current customer has a branch id, then check the customer with the same partner id but a blank branch id. ie) check master table for head office customer.
*DX The order import list of fields for extra description did not show their numbers on the screen. This has been corrected.
*FP The fish ticket edit list and posting functions would, if there was only an adjustment ticket, say there were no tickets on file and not allow posting. This has been corrected.
*FP The fish ticket edit-list/journal report would not show adjustment only tickets. This has been corrected.
*IC The Inventory Print item by description report would not always show item prices when exporting full format if the number of prices was 3 or less. This has been corrected.
*IC The print by item description function has been enhanced to use the new primary barcode format when choosing the main “bar code” field.
*IC The inventory control screen has been enhanced to include a new “Primary barcode format” field. This field, when used, lets the system choose review the list of barcodes for an item and either pick, or reformat, the standard UPC/EAN codes to match the preferred primary format, and present that as the “bar code” field in item listings, export, and label printing. Since EAN/UPC codes follow standard rules, a 10 character UPC code can be shown as a 13 character EAN code with check digit (add 2 leading zeroes, and compute the check digit). While a 14 character case code can be stripped down to a 10 character UPC code (drop case digit, drop the leading country digits, and drop the check digit). The primary barcode allows all items with ANY version of a UPC code, to show the same format in these print/export functions.
*IC The change item number could, if using the “merge” option, and a P/A purchase order had both the from and to items in the same PO, end up deleting the “from” line item, due to a duplicate key condition. This has been corrected.
*IC The Inventory Print item by item# report would not always show item prices when exporting full format if the number of prices was 3 or less. This has been corrected.
*IC The print by item number function has been enhanced to use the new primary barcode format when choosing the main “bar code” field.
*MP The station maintenance has been enhanced to allow a 24 character pinpad id, not just 12 character.
*OE The print invoice history by customer moved the job number field(s) over to allow for extra dates to be added in the future.
*OE The form reprint from history would not reload the original entered user id. This has been corrected.
*OE The till maintenance has been enhanced to allow a 24 character pinpad id, not just 12 character.
*PC The distributions to GL report would, as of level and the change to how the report shows progress, fail to show the print to screen option. This has been corrected.
*PS The register maintenance has been enhanced to allow a 24 character pinpad id, not just 12 character.
*RW The credit card entry screen window could sometimes, when clicking on the manual entry button, abort the whole card processing window and
require a restart. This has been corrected.
Release 35.218 (14.07)
Apr 19 2024
*AP The automatic funds transfer file creation that is supposed to happen after finishing the batch printing of checks and/or deposit stubs, could fail to happen when the check register includes other cash accounts.That can happen when manual checks are left unposted. If the last last cash account on the register is not the funds transfer account, then the automation will fail. This has been corrected.
*AP The transaction entry validation of P/O receiver numbers could fail, if both the P/O and P/A interface flags are on in the control information. This has been corrected.
*AR The ship via code print function has been enhanced to include the SCAC code field on the line with the other ship via information.
*DX The export P/A purchase orders function has been enhanced to ask for several new things: a range of vendors, whether to “Include unposted P/O’s?”whether to skip exported P/O’s, and whether to mark P/O’s as exported.
*IC The Item Change Log has been enhanced so it can now export to the X Printer.
*OE The special update, oeobj/OEUP66, has been enhanced so that when checking for and removing orphan records for deleted orders, it will now do so for dated order notes as well.
*PA The purchase request entry screen has been enhanced so that the field number to change has an F6 option which asks the user for a new warehouse to change the PO to use, then change the PO to use that new warehouse. Note: the function will test to ensure there is not already a version of the PO for that warehouse already on file.
*PC The funds transfer “built in” format for the payment stub, would not include the CPP 2nd amount. This has been corrected.
*PC The Distributions to G/L report would not show a counter until after a printable distribution was found, which could sometimes take a while. This has been corrected.
*PS The Point of Sale Holds Report can now export to the X Printer.
*PS The setup menu has a new entry for control information, which is where the next hold ticket number will be kept.
*RW The gui mode drop-down menu ability to jump out of a function, directly to another function elsewhere could leave utility programs still running, and files kept open. This has been corrected.
*SA The user defined analysis report’s samco option 2609, which allows the option to include the item quantity on hand as a column, has been extended to always (optionally) allow the quantity on order.
*SA The user defined analysis report dates would, if the user wanted to add more periods, wipe out the saved character codes that generated the original dates, even though there was no change. This has been corrected.
*SC The tickets menu’s print function’s selection screen field for module did not allow the find modules function to be called. This has been corrected.
*WI The eSamco cart could intermittently get a timeout error for larger orders. This has been corrected.
Release 35.217 (14.07)
Mar 19 2024
*AP The Accounts Payable Vendor History report now exports the user id.
*AR The Accounts Receivable Commissions Due report now has an option to show the net sales amount instead of the gross total invoice amount.
*GL The Chart of Accounts Change Log can now be exported.
*IC The find kit transaction window can now, for kit transactions created starting with level 210, show the customer number and name even if the order has been deleted, such as due to posting.
*IC The find lot function will now check if the quantities have decimals and switch the layout format to allow for decimal quantity.
*IC The Item History Print function’s export option now has columns for customer number and name.
*IC The kit transaction register can now, for kit transactions created starting with level 210, show the customer number and name even if the order has been deleted, such as due to posting.
*IC The order status tracking/changing logic could fail to set the associated kit transacions to status of postable, when the status flags said to do so. This has been corrected.
*PC The history T4A xml generation would drop the leading zero in the pension plan registration number if it had one. This has been corrected.
*PC The T4A xml generation would drop the leading zero in the pension plan registration number if it had one. This has been corrected.
*PC The samco option CS1710 has been enhanced so that if the occupation column field is blank, use the employee’s default occupation code instead of generating an error.
*PC The receiver general report did not include the 2nd CPP amounts. This has been corrected.
*WI The Load sub categories from items could get an error 91,02 on the WICSLF file. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.216 (14.07)
Feb 15 2024
*AR The Accounts Receivable Tax Collected report was showing the invoice amount as the total amount instead of the amount before taxes. The report has been corrected to show the sub-amount as well.
*IC The Inventory View Item History screen has changed to show the warehouse column after the doc# instead of at the far right.
*RW The update routine could fail to copy the latest launcher service archive from the dvd to the server. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.215 (14.07)
Feb 09 2024
*RW The standard printer types have had references to “laserjet” changed to say “PCL” for clarity, sice other brands of printers may be PCLcompatible.
*DX The order export would ignore the order’s packing info branch id and always use the branch id from the D/X customer record. This has been corrected.
*DX The D/X export of P/A purchase orders would remove leading zeroes in the vendor product number. This has been corrected.
*DX The vendor item import has been enhanced to give more detailed error messages if there are any I/O errors during reading the import file or writing to the vendor item file.
*IC The phyiscal count import has been enhanced to allow for using the find file dialog box in gui mode, to find the import file on the workstation,then copy it to the server with the specified import name, so that it may be imported.
*PC The historical print accumulator report legends would print shifted by 2 characters. This has been corrected.
*PC The historical print accumulator report would not correctly process accumulators selected via the ? find function. This has been corrected.
*PC The historical employee maintenance only allowed 5 digits in the pension adjustment amount, instead of 7. This has been corrected.
*PC The employee maintenance only allowed 5 digits in the pension adjustment amount, instead of 7. This has been corrected.
*PC The print accumulator report legends would print shifted by 2 characters. This has been corrected.
*PC The print accumulator report would not correctly process accumulators selected via the ? find function. This has been corrected.
*PC The check posting would, if the control file value for the new, additional CPP maximum earnings were not set, zero out the CPP earnings accumulator. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.214 (14.07)
Dec 20 2023
*AP The reprint pdf archive function would pop up an error message saying the user had exceeded the 20 document limit, but has been changed so that the message is now a warning which displays how many have been selected, and allowing an override to allow processing them anyway.
*AR The reprint pdf archive function would pop up an error message saying the user had exceeded the 20 document limit, but has been changed so that the message is now a warning which displays how many have been selected, and allowing an override to allow processing them anyway.
*AR The cash payment application alternate screen, showing invoice balances in a table, did not allow negative discount or allowance amounts. This has been corrected.
*AR The cash payment application alternate screen, showing invoice balances in a table, has been enhanced so that the final “field” entry, which allows use of F5 to set discount/allowance/reference info, is now separate from the discount available column, so that users are less likely to try disable the discount by trying to change the Y to N, which would not work.
*AR The control information screen has been enhanced to echo the old account values when user goes into those fields, so the old value does not get cleared.
*BR The transfer from payroll has been enhanced to handle the new CPP2 amount.
*BR The reconcile function has been enhanced to handle the new CPP2 amount in payroll checks.
*BR The close bank accounts function been enhanced to handle the new CPP2 amount in payroll checks.
*OE The Invoice history report by Customer will now export a column for the line number on the full export format.
*OE The reprint pdf archive function would pop up an error message saying the user had exceeded the 20 document limit, but has been changed so that the message is now a warning which displays how many have been selected, and allowing an override to allow processing them anyway.
*PA The reprint pdf archive function would pop up an error message saying the user had exceeded the 20 document limit, but has been changed so that the message is now a warning which displays how many have been selected, and allowing an override to allow processing them anyway.
*PA The vendor items print function’s export option has been enhanced to add split the per-unit/conversion-factor column into two columns.
*PC The check purge function been enhanced to handle/show the new CPP amount in payroll checks.
*PC The control information screen has been enhanced to add room by adding an extra screen before the final one. The “additional CPP” fields have been moved from that last screen to this new one, and the new fields for the cpp 2nd additional computation have been added there.
*PC The entry by table has been enhanced to allow entry of the new T4A program account number field.
*PC The forms maintenance has added some T4 box fields to simplify printing, and remove complex conditionals. It has also added a T4A account number field for when the “employee” is actually a business.
*PC The forms maintenance now allows a “temporary releve” form type, which is used to create the “temporaire” form for mid-year releves, if the company has to submit releves, since this year they are different.
*PC The historical control information screen has been enhanced to add room by adding an extra screen before the final one. The “additional CPP” fields have been moved from that last screen to this new one, and the new fields for the cpp 2nd additional computation have been added there.
*PC The historical employee maintenance has been enhanced to add the new T4A program account number field, next to the T4 type flag where you indicate whether the employee gets T4 (real employee) or T4A (consultant, business, etc), so that if they have a business program account number it can be included on the T4A.
*PC The historical print employee records has been enhanced to include the new T4A program account number field.
*PC The historical T4 summary printout has been enhanced to include totals for the new boxes for CPP/QPP 2nd cpp additional amounts.
*PC The historical entry by table has been enhanced to allow entry of the new T4A program account number field.
*PC The reprint pdf archive function would pop up an error message saying the user had exceeded the 20 document limit, but has been changed so that the message is now a warning which displays how many have been selected, and allowing an override to allow processing them anyway.
*PC The T4A printing would ask for the pdf filename twice, if try to use P as the printer. This has been corrected.
*PC The T4A printing screen would, when using the eSend functionality, clear the esend printer tag off the screen. This has been corrected.
*PC The employee maintenance has been enhanced to add the new T4A programaccount number field, next to the T4 type flag where you indicate whether the employee gets T4 (real employee) or T4A (consultant, business, etc), so that if they have a business program account number it can be included on the T4A.
*PC The print employee records has been enhanced to include the new T4A program account number field.
*PC The cancel check function been enhanced to handle/show the new CPP2 amount in payroll checks.
*PC The check reconciliation function been enhanced to handle/show the new CPP2 amount in payroll checks.
*PC The T4 summary printout has been enhanced to include totals for the new boxes for CPP/QPP 2nd cpp additional amounts.
*PC The T4 printing would ask for the pdf filename twice, if try to use P as the printer. This has been corrected.
*PC The Releve 1 printing would ask for the pdf filename twice, if try to use P as the printer. This has been corrected.
*PC The releve printing screen has been enhanced to ask whether to print the normal year end releves, or the temporary midyear releve, which uses a different form.
*PI The reprint pdf archive function would pop up an error message saying the user had exceeded the 20 document limit, but has been changed so that the message is now a warning which displays how many have been selected, and allowing an override to allow processing them anyway.
*RW The access control feature where the F5 key allows acess to a window showing all the users and whether they have access to the current function, has been enhanced to allow printing the current list of users and their access setting for this function.
*SC The Ticket entry customer window, accessible via the F6/1 option, would display and enter the dealer number field using 25 characters, when it is a customer number, and should use 12. This has been corrected.
*SC The end user maintenance function, which is included when doing customer maintenance, had been enhanced to remove fields which were not used such as the uucp login id and password, and workspace page number. Also, fields were rearranged to make room. The added fields were the contact method string, company number, company password. The “other” login/password were renamed as “samco” login/password to reflect the ticket entry customer view/edit window.
Current Release 35.213 (14.07)
Nov 23 2023
*RW The filename entry window for export files, pdf files and text files has been enhanced so that if the file exists and overwrite confirmation is requested or if the directory specified does not exist and must becreated, the confirmation question is now inside the window instead of at the bottom of the main screen, making it easier to notice and deal with.
*AP The check register has been enhanced so that when a quick check is posted, the screen changes to show that the second printer selection window is for the check register, not the transaction register.
*AP The find vendor has been enhanced to allow the F7 for filter option, which will check the search string against the vendor’s number, name, address, phone, fax, primary contact name/phone/email, comment, gst number, esend email reference number and their associated customer number.
*AP The pre-check writing report would show the full discount available if the voucher was set to be partially paid, and the discount was set to zero. This has been corrected.
*AP The select individual vouchers screen has been improved to show Space=Clear in the prompt, instead of just Space=Pay, when the current voucher is already selected to pay.
*AR The view customer open item history screen has been changed so that the unposted entry indicator of “(n/a)” in the apply-to number column and the PO number column, has been changed to say Unposted and (Unposted) respectively.
*AR The view customer account screen has been changed so that the unposted entry indicator of “(n/a)” in the apply-to number column and the PO number column, has been changed to say Unposted and (Unposted) respectively.
*AR The find customer has been enhanced so that when using the filter feature to select which customers to show, the entered text is searched for in the 3 comment lines as well.
*AR The cash transaction posting could get an error 91,00 on the CSHLCK.DAT file, when the posting was for all users and someone already had the open items in use, such as when posting sales or finance charges. This has been corrected.
*DX The 850 import has been enhanced so that when using the X12 format for a file, the column numbers switch from 1-999 to 0-998, so that the column numbers will match to the X12 standard field numbers. They are stored internally as 1-999, but get shown/entered as 0-998.
*DX The partner qualifier field has been duplicated on the first screen, next to the partner id field, for display and entry, since the two values always go together.
*DX The export orders template maintenance has been enhanced so that the auto delimiter flag now allows C for column number mode, where extra separators are added to ensure the field is the specified column. This is different from Y mode, where column numbers are ignored, and to get an empty column, you have to add a blank literal in that spot.
*DX The export orders template maintenance has been enhanced so that the X12 settings window has a flag for treating column numbers as segment numbers. Segment numbers are 1 lower than column numbers, so they start with zero for the actual segment literal, and the first element is number 1, which is stored internally (and invisibly) as column 2.
*DX The export orders template print has been enhanced to handle the new flag to treat columns as element numbers, so it will show element numbers, just like they were entered.
*GL The G/L ledger connection option for importing budgets has been enhanced so that a server filename can be specified even if it does not yet exist, then at the field number to change, gui users can choose an option to bring up a file selection dialog box on the local workstation, and that selected file will be copied to the server, using the specified filename on the server.
*IC The item history print function could, when using an item range of first to last, spend a long time before anything prints. As a result, it has been enhanced to ask for the printer destination before any printable records have been found, and to display a record counter while searching, and to allow the F7 key to abort the function, even though nothing has been printed yet.
*IC The Inventory Print change log function has been enhanced to add date start and end fields to filter on.
*IC The item maintenance could save an entry in the change log file, with just the “last updated date” field set. This has been corrected.
*IC The item maintenance would not, when using a markup code with a price as the basis for calculation, not set the prices when that basis price was changed. This has been corrected.
*IC The kit definition spreadsheet export would not include the price conversion factor when computing the extended price. This has been corrected, and the conversion factor added as a column.
*IC The kit definition spreadsheet export has been enhanced to export a formula for the extended price, extended cost and margin columns. The resulting spreadsheet no longer has the currency format, but it does have a formula which will respond to changes in price, quantity, and price conversion factor.
*IC The kit maintenance function component screen has been enhanced to add a Shift-F6 option to show the kit item in the find item window, with zoom enabled.
*OE The billing line selection/entry would, as of, only add/process the first component of a miscellaneious kit item. This has been corrected.
*OE The invoice history view by invoice would, when using multiple tenders and the payment detail shown is the first line on the screen after going to next page of detail, show “garbage” when hitting enter for extra columns of line item information, instead of continuing to show the paymen detail. This has been corrected.
*OE The line item entry would, as of, only add/process the first component of a miscellaneious kit item. This has been corrected.
*OE The O/E form selection has been enhanced to show a prompt at the bottom of the printer selection window when the selection is to fulfill the form’s “ask” requirement, and will indicate whether the printer is for the paper invoice or the esend invoice.
*OE The packing screen has been enhanced so that when showing 2 rows for each line item, the 2nd row shows the order unit below the order quantity.
*PC The find historical employees window has been enhanced so that, when launched via ? from the employee maintenance, it will start in the same active/inactive search mode that the maintenance function was in.
*PC The find employees window has been enhanced so that, when launched via ? from the employee maintenance, it will start in the same active/inactive search mode that the maintenance function was in.
*PC The Accumulator entry by table has been enhanced so now it is just Entry by table, as it will ask for which employee field to edit as a column in the table, rather than assuming it is an accumulator. In addition, it has been reformatted to put the employee code and name on the left, but they will be highlighted to show the current row being changed, so the user may easily see which is the current employee. When the field is accumulator, personal choice item, or accrual, then the program will ask which one should be in the edit column.
*PC The entry by table has been enhanced to allow F7 to bring up a selection window where the entry list can be trimmed down to only the employees with matching values. eg) only employees with a specific group or department. Or only employees who started during a specific period (date range).
*PC The entry by table has been enhanced to allow F6 to print a copy of the current table of employees, with the selected column.
*PC The entry by table has been enhanced to have an F2 option to auto set the field to the same value as last entered, and automatically move to the next field, allowing the user to set all employees to the same value just by holding down the F2 key.
*PC The print employee record now includes the dental plan status code.
*PC The Historical accumulator entry by table has been enhanced so now it is just Entry by table, as it will ask for which historical employee field to edit as a column in the table, rather than assuming it is an accumulator. In addition, it has been reformatted to put the employee code and name on the left, but they will be highlighted to show the current row being changed, so the user may easily see which is the current employee. When the field is an accumulator, personal choice item, or accrual, then the program will ask which one should be in the edit column.
*PC The historical entry by table has been enhanced to allow F7 to bring upa selection window where the entry list can be trimmed down to only the employees with matching values. eg) only employees with a specific group or department. Or only employees who started during a specific period (date range).
*PC The historical entry by table has been enhanced to allow F6 to print a copy of the current table of employees, with the selected column.
*PC The historical entry by table has been enhanced to have an F2 option to auto set the field to the same value as last entered, and automatically move to the next field, allowing the user to set all employees to the same value just by holding down the F2 key.
*PC The system details menu now has dental plan status codes, and has been sorted to be alphabetical.
*PC The system details print option added dental status codes and has bee sorted to be alphabetical.
*PC The print employee record now includes the dental plan status code.
*RW The esend header screen would display the “send time” field as an unformatted number (no : to show where minutes go). This has been corrected.
*RW The F11 help window could fail to show the Global D/X module, even though it is available. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.212 (14.07)
Aug 11 2023
*IC The initialize files special function could show file names on or below the “any change” prompt line, causing them to be erased. This has been corrected.
*IC The Inventory Stock Status report could report fewer records when exporting than when not exporting. This has been corrected.
*PA The control information field for the 2nd receiving miscellaneous amount’s default account number would, if the F1 were used, set the first receiving miscellaneous amount’s default account number instead. This has been corrected.
*PA The receivings entry screen window for factor codes would, as of level only show every other factor code in the list. This has been corrected.
*PA The view receivings history, as of, could show an @ after
the quantity on the line items. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.211 (14.07)
Jul 04 2023
*RW The F7 filter feature, found in most find functions, has been enhanced to allow !word to search for entries that do NOT have that word, and to allow | to mean “or”, so one can search for wordlist1 | wordlist2 meaning either wordlist1 (including any “!” entries) or wordlist2.
*RW The F7 filter feature, found in most find functions, should have an F2 settings option, where one can change from matching any case to matching the exact case of what is typed in. The other option is to switch from matching separate words, anywhere in the target record, to macthing the string exactly as typed in. eg) “hi there” can be changed to match only “Hi there.” and not also “Hi. Are you there?”. Note, it can also be partial words, eg “i the” to match “Hi there”. Of course that would also match “Mon cheri the …”.
*IC The kit transaction entry/post multi-user handling has been improved so that entering/updating a kit transaction will now allow the inventory transactions to be posted while a user is entering/viewing kit transactions. And posting of a kit transaction will still prevent the posting of inventory transactions, but entry is now allowed while the kit transaction is being posted.
*AP When posting a printed check or online payment that uses up a prepayment, and the voucher being assigned to the prepayment has an early payment discount, the vendor history could have an entry just for the discount, rather than it being part of the check entry. This has been corrected.
*AP When posting an online payment that uses up a prepayment, the vendor history entry for the prepayment would not have it’s balance updated, and would not get deleted once it was all used up while the open item entry was updated correctly. This would leave the original vendor history entry for the prepayment on file in addition to the reallocation of that check to the vouchers it was used to pay. This has been corrected so the original record’s balance is updated, then the record is finally purged once the balance becomes zero.
*IC The Inventory file utility to change item number could, under certain conditions, enter an infinite loop. This has been corrected.
*IC The inventory transaction entry screen could, if the “track by user” feature is on, and the same user id tries to go into the entry screen as is currently posting elsewhere, get stuck with a “waiting for record in use at another station” message. This has been corrected.
*IC The kit transaction posting has been changed so that inventory entry can be done while the kit is posting, but inventory post continues to be prevented. Also, going into kit entry does not prevent inventory posting anymore.
*OE The control information has a new option for what the default value is for the line item ship date, when adding the line and hitting enter.
*OE The invoice history view by invoice number could show the wrong invoice total in the top right of the screen, when the F1 for next invoice brings up the same invoice number that was just showing. This has been corrected.
*OE The invoice history view by invoice number has been enhanced so that the main invoice number field now supports the shift-F1 key for showing the previous invoice.
*OE Billing’s line item margin window was calculating line results using the unit cost and price instead of the extended price/cost. This has beencorrected.
*OE The automatic purchase order creation window would, if the user chose to hit TAB to exit the window without creating a purchase order, still ask for a cost. This has been corrected.
*OE The order totals screen weight field has a new option F2=sum of line weights. This shows the current value of the sum of the line item weights, and the user may hit F2 if they wish to set the weight to that value, even if that is already the value in the weight field.
*RW The find users function has been enhanced to include a zoom window, which shows the title, address, phone and emails for the current user. These are also the fields the filter searches, so it can help determine why the filter included a user.
*RW The view user activity window would show “change company number” when a user is still starting up and entering the first company number. It has been enhanced to say “startup” in that case.
*RW The view user activity window can now sort by any of the columns.
*RW Credit card processing would retry failed transactions using the same library, even when the user’s choice of retry method indicates the need for a different library. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.210 (14.07)
Jun 28 2023
*AP The open items & manual payments entry screen has been enhanced so that when processing a prepayment application, a check balance now shows below the prepayment check amount, so the user can know how much remainsto be applied.
*AP The open items & manual payments entry screen has been enhanced to echo the current values for the amount paid and discount taken fields, rather than resetting them to zero.
*AP The open items & manual payments entry screen has been enhanced so that the amount paid and discount fields of the prepayment allocation have F1 defaults for the full amount possible to be applied to the current voucher using the specified prepayment. The default is the lower of the two amounts.
*AP The payable comparison to GL report has been enhanced to include a column for the journal number which posted the entry.
*AP The payable comparison to GL report has been enhanced to include an option for “include balanced documents” which can be useful to add context when viewing problem documents on a specific date.
*AP The payable comparison to GL report has been enhanced to include a subtotal when a document number has more than 1 entry. This can help match a GL entry which is a total amount against a list of AP detail, when you can see the subtotal for the detail matches the GL amount.
*AP The find voucher function has been enhanced to show a column with a description of the type of voucher: regular, prepayment, etc.
*AR The paid within terms report has been enhanced to include the actual salesep as a column in the export file, after the invoice amount. The overdue days would also not be reset to zero when paid on time. This has been corrected.
*AR The statement print selection screen, the normal (simple) version, has been enhanced to ask “”Print zero bal customers ?” when set to print both debit and credit accounts, and there is no cutoff balance due set.
*GL The general journal entry screen would, if the transaction just selected was created from a sub-ledger and had associated detail, display the warning message about only allowing change to the reference and document number fields, then exit back to the top of the screen rather than returning to the field number to change prompt. This has been corrected.
*GL The year end would not advance the period screen’s “current fiscal year period” to the next year. This has been corrected.
*IC The find item function’s zoom window displays prices, and would do so even if the user record settings specified that certain prices were to be hidden. This has been corrected.
*PC The payroll forms print for T4/T4A/Releve1 other box number fields would, for box numbers over 99, truncate the box number to the last 2 digits. This has been corrected.
*PC The check printing phase where the archive is created has been enhanced so that instead of requiring that a file not be open by any other function, even if it’s just for reading, to now allowing the read-only access. example, opening employee file in the phonebook extended function.
*RW The print reports from disk has been enhanced to include the F7 filter option like our find functions do, so you can search for all occurrences of a single report number, or reports by a specific user or date.
*RW The print reports from disk has been enhanced to show the currently selected report on the page, and move the selection when the up/down arrow keys are used, and if the enter key is used without a report number, then the current report will be selected.
*RW The print reports from disk has been enhanced, so that if the user hits enter to select the current report, they can optionally type in a letter corresponding to the actions they can take on that report, and skip the next question. These options are S=display on screen, P=print report, D=delete report, V=view report. Display and print will still ask for the starting page# and how many are wanted.
*RW The automatic log file purge, which is done when the first user starts up a session, could get a message about “too many arguments” when done on a linux server, and not actually purge the files. This has been corrected.
*RW The find user has been enhanced to allow the F7 filter feature.
*RW The password maintenance and the new password system’s access control have been modified so that when the first section of access flags is copied from another password/user, then the other 2 sections are automatically copied as well. If a subsection is copied, then ONLY that subsection is copied.
*RW The printer selection box has been enhanced so that gui printers will be shown in character terminal sessions, so that users can see all the printers potentiall available. But if a gui-only printer chosen, a warning message is displayed and the printer cannot be used in the character session.
*SC The package maintenance could (in gui mode) leave the 2nd line of module description on the screen, when using F1 to go to the next package. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.209 (14.07)
Feb 08 2023
*AP The voucher edit-list/register could incorrectly show an error message for a document being out of balance, when more than 128 different GL accounts are affected. This has been corrected.
*AR The print customer contacts report has been enhanced so that when exporting, the samco option fields for whether to esend forms to this contact are included (invoices, statements, purchase orders, and order confirmations).
*AR The Account Receivables Comparison to G/L report would not print the report legend and could, under certain selections, print extraneous entries. This has been corrected.
*OE Billing’s Invoicing item entry weight unit had no default value. This has been corrected.
*OE Changing line quantities on a credit memo could, under certain settings, not update the total commission amount. This has been corrected.
*PC The purge transactions function would print the report using the user-entered purge date, but the checks would be tested using the 7 year suggested date instead of the entered date. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.208 (14.07)
Dec 20 2022
*AP Accounts Payable transactions could, after distributing a transaction to a customer, allow arrow up to bypass customer information and use a blank customer. This has been corrected.
*AP Accounts Payable voucher posting, when a voucher has a PO and receiver number from the PO module, would not set the receiver history record invoiced flag properly. This has been corrected.
*AR The file utility would export the terms code record, but leave blank the fields which are not dependent on the type of terms (days, proximo, table). This has been corrected.
*AR The arupdc special update utility has been enhanced to ask whether to do only payments, as it used to do, or to do sales and costs instead, or to do both, when recomputing the customer PTD/YTD/LYR values from the open item history file.
*DX The edi import routine (PO 850) message for posting lock has been improved so that when the import will be retrying, the message says it will be retrying, and only say it cannot import if the last retry fails.
*DX The Global D/X customer and item import functions could, as of version 35.207, enter an infinite loop while processing user defined fields. This has been corrected.
*GL The Compress G/L transactions function has been decommissioned. It is only available with CS2640 enabled.
*IC The Warehouse detail extended function could enter an infinite loop while searching for details, if there were kit transactions on file for the item in multiple warehouses on the same date. This has been corrected.
*IC In Inventory transactions, pressing F1 in the purpose code field did not display the purpose code. This has been corrected.
*IC The Inventory Valuation Report could, under certain parameters, display doubled amounts for warehouse detail when more than one warehouse had been selected. This has been corrected.
*OE Order Entry could, as of version 35-207, incorrectly calculate weights and weight units when using automatic defaults. This has been corrected, and the weight unit is now changed by pressing F1 on the weight field instead of using a separate field to enter the weight unit.
*OE In Billing, printing consolidated picking tickets could calculate the quantities incorrectly for some items. This has been corrected.
*OE Chained forms in Billing could, if a form print/esend was cancelled, ignore order status changes associated with forms for the entire chain rather than just the cancelled one and following. This has been corrected.
*OE Converting an order from one type to another could, as of version 35-207, remove the tax amounts. This has been corrected.
*PA The program handling transfer header status could, as of version 35.207, enter an infinite loop trying to skip a locked transfer record. This has been corrected.
*PS Point of Sale Batch printing could get a “passed using” error message. This has been corrected.
*PS The tickets entry function message that comes up when the register record requested is locked by another user would, when in a windows peer-to-peer enviornment, try to show process information that is not available. This has been corrected.
*SA The Sales Analysis Item Fill Rate report, would calculate the fill rate for only the first occurrence of item within an order. This has been corrected.
*SA The user defined report could crash with an index out ouf bounds error when using P/I history data. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.207 (14.07)
Oct 07 2022
*AP The Accounts Payable Pre-check writing report could, as of version, not group entries by payment method correctly when specified
to do so. This has been corrected.
*AP The voucher register/edit-list has been enhanced so that if a voucher is out of balance, a message is printed below that voucher’s distributions, thus making the voucher(s) preventing posting, easier to find.
*AR Exporting a customer list would not include the OE/PS form id. This has been corrected.
*AR The Accounts Receivable Preauthorized Payment screen would allow entering a negative amount. This has been corrected. Use A/P EFT for this purpose.
*AR The statment printing would suppress the inv-bal line completely, the one that shows the total of an invoice/apply-to number, when printing in order by the apply-to number. This has been corrected so that the inv-bal: line is back, but only prints when there is more than two documents in the group, or when there are two but the balance is non-zero.
When there is only one document or if there are two with a balance of zero, then the balance line is not needed and will not print.
*DX The EDI send function has been improved so that an interrupted send of a file to commport, using the version 1 protocol, will automatically resume.
*DX The customer import function has been enhanced to add a default customer number field to the screen, which is saved with the import template.
*DX The customer import function has been enhanced to use the default customer’s user defined fields as the default values for the new customer’s UDF fields, when creating new customers.
*DX The inventory import function now allows, in gui mode, using the F4 key in the field number to change of the screen with the filename, to bring up the dialog box to find a local file, and once selected, copy it to the server using the specified import name.
*DX The inventory import function would not set the new item prices, when markup codes were in use. This has been corrected.
*DX The item import function has been enhanced to add a default item number field to the screen, which is saved with the import template.
*DX The item import function has been enhanced to use the default item’s user defined fields as the default values for the new item’s UDF fields, when creating new items.
*FP In fisher maintenance, when a record is used in another station the program waits for the record to become available. This has been corrected so that the program now automatically exits the maintenance screen instead.
*IC Inventory control information has been enhanced so that when hitting enter to exit the final screen, and the question comes up about changing the defaults, the current default item is shown, allowing the user to see/confirm the current item number, without having to go through all four of the screens with default flags.
*IC The inventory transaction entry screen would show the price change as Y when using markup codes with price point handling, even when there was no change in prices. This has been corrected.
*IC The status information maintenance screen has been enhanced to show the quantity available.
*OE In invoice history report, the last invoice number range entry was being ignored. This has been corrected.
*OE Billing menu option for print invoices could assign another invoice number to an order, if it was for an esend customer and the printing had been cancelled in a previous printing batch. This has been corrected.
*OE The line item entry screen has been enhanced so that the weight unit is only asked for if the user changes the weight from the old value and hits enter. Using F1 for default weight will default the unit as well, leaving the weight unchanged will leave the unit unchanged.
*OE The order totals screen has been enhanced so that the weight unit is only asked for if the user changes the weight from the old value and hits enter. Using F1 for default weight will default the unit as well, leaving the weight unchanged will leave the unit unchanged.
*OE The consolidate orders function could, as of level, attach line tax amounts to the wrong line item, resulting in incorrect tax totals, and requiring the order taxes to be recalculated. This has been corrected.
*OE In order entry, changing ship to uses the tax group in the ship to record for the order even when that tax group does not exist. Both the ship-to maintenance and order entry have been corrected.
*OE The orders enter function would, when using the page up from the user defined fields screen, fail to redisplay the ship-to address fields. This has been corrected.
*PA When printing transfer forms, the location codes used always comes from the last warehouse status read. This has been changed so that the location codes come from the appropriate warehouse status record.
*PA In Purchasing, “Purchase Requests” has been renamed to be “Purchase Orders/Requests”.
*PS In PS, reprint of full released invoice, the payment details did not get included. This has been corrected.
*PS Point of Sale’s Invoice history reprint could skip over printing the invoice after asking the user to enter a drawer number. This has been corrected.
*RW The print reports from disk option to select and print has been enhanced so that if the entered report number is not on the current screen, it will be searched for from the most recent report going backward. The first occurrence found will be show, even if it does not belong to the current module. Once displayed, user will be in the view/print options just as if it were on the current page.
*RW The esend window has been enhanced so that the extra functions now has an F option for “load body from file”. This will ask for a filename, try and read it, and load the text into the body section of the screen, replacing whatever was there. Useful for predefined standard notices.
*RW The esend screen option for pre-loading a default set of body text from a text file would set the text to be fixed and unchangeable. This has been corrected.
*RW When exporting a report to tab delimited file, double quotes in text fields get excluded. This has been corrected.
*RW When exporting a report to a tab delimited file inside Crossover, the file does not open automatically. This has been corrected.
*RW The warning entry field about date being outside the normal range has been enhanced to indicate whether it is in the future, or the past.
*RW The entry field warning about date being outside the normal range has been enhanced to indicate whether it is in the future, or the past.
*SC Enhanced ticket entry screen to add new R&D column to action records, so programmers can mark which R&D possible actions are definitely NOT for R&D review.
Current Release 35.206 (14.07)
Jun 22 2022
*RW Samco option CS1901, for adding the long item description field to the D/X item import function, has been made a standard feature.
*AP The vendor history open payables by date has been enhanced to show the aging cutoff date in the legends.
*AP The vendor history open payables by date would not reset the subtotals when the A/P account changed, so all subtotals past the first would be running totals instead of independent. This has been corrected.
*AR The historical statement printing could, as of level, when printing for a single customer, fail to print any documents after the first one. This has been corrected.
*AR The statement printing could, as of level, when printing for a single customer, fail to print any documents after the first one. This has been corrected.
*SSI The default ediload script can now handle setting a station id if one is required, and the user id and password values can now be set separately.
*DX The inventory transaction import would set the cost wrong when there was no cost in the import file and the item has a factor code. This has been corrected.
*DX The inventory transaction import would not add up lot quantities when importing multiple records for the same item and same lot. This has been corrected.
*DX The inventory transaction import would not set the update prices flag. It will now set the flag to N unless the cost changed, markup codes are in use, and automatic updates are set in the control information.
*DX The edi order export would always send U in the standards identifier field of the ISA header, even when the standard format in use was 5010 or higher, thus requring a repeating field separator in that location. The system has been enhanced so that when using 5010 or higher, the field is set to a separator character such as ^, |, { or }. Whichever field is not already in use as one of the normal separators.
*DX The order import and the customer import feature for automatic update of the template formats would trigger the function to ask the user to save the changes instead of automatically saving the change, which could cause automated keystroke import sessions to fail. This has been corrected.
*GL The financial statement layout entry screen could, on some systems, when in the detail section and the screen of lines needs to scroll upward, display the last line on ALL the slots on the screen. This has been corrected.
*IC The serial number find window could fail to clear lines correctly on the last screen. This has been corrected.
*IC The serial number find window has been enhanced to show extra information in a zoom window, and to allow the F7 filter option.
*IC The factor code window has been enhanced so that the prompts that were showing at the bottom of the main screen, have been moved inside the factors window, to be closer to where the user is actually working.
*IC The serial numbers function has been enhanced to allow ? in the serial number field to show unsold serial numbers for the specified item number and warehouse.
*IC The file utilty function for recalculation of inventory has been enhanced so that it will handle inventory transactions instead of just showing a message saying they need to be posted.
*OE The post function would, as of level, not allow entry at the post by user question if it is in use. This has been corrected.
*PC The payroll menu has been changed so the update is for July 2022.
*PC In Payroll PDF reprint, filtering by employee excluded checks and stubs. This has been corrected.
*PC The employee maintenance window for TD1 details has had a new row added for any “mid-year adjustment” that needs to be applied retroactively. The basic amount gets updated to what it should be, and if it applies retroactively to the beginning of the year, the amount of the adjustment goes into the mid-year field, so that regular tax calculations can process both the actual change, and the retroactive change going forward. The retroactive change will be zeroed out at the beginning of the next year.
*PC The transaction code maintenance function would force P type (prior) codes to do accumulator updates at J (journal entry) time, and not allow the user to specify entry or check times. This has been corrected.
*RW The print from disk function has been enhanced so that when a report is selected, and the options for screen or printer are available, there is now also a V=View option which will bring up the report in the samco text file viewer, which allows searching for text inside the report.
Current Release 35.204 (14.07)
Feb 02 2022
*PC The standard ROEPP form would only show the first 4 characters of the employee number, and would show employer’s business number instead of the employee’s business number. The old ROEPP should be deleted and the load function used to reload the updated standard form.
*BR The account activity report has been enhanced to show when a check is an online payment or a funds transfer rather than a simple paper check.
*BR The bankbook report and entries report have been enhanced to show when a check is an online payment or a funds transfer rather than a simple paper check.
*DX The EDI order export function would open the shared ORDHDR file in read only mode, causing the invoice printing function in the OrderEntry/Billing module to get a 91,02 error when using the order status feature and changing the status. This has been corrected.
*GL The G/L file utilities has a new utility which can recalculate the comparative amounts in the chart of account records.
*IC The item maintenance samco option 1823, for copy item from another company, would do nothing if the samco option was turned on but the I/C control information was not set as to HOW to do the copy. This has been corrected so the feature will display a warning message that the choices have not yet been set in the control information.
*OE The order entry ability to reprint an invoice would also regenerate the EDI document for an EDI order. This has been corrected.
*OE The invoice printing feature for extended lines on non-total pages could fail to set the extended line flag which is used to control different behavior on the total page versus the regular pages. This has been
*OE The Orders->Enter function, when loading orders via F1 key for next, could load an order that was just invoiced which allows changing the invoiced status of an order without any warning. This has been corrected.
*OE The posting would remove the unposted entry in A/R if there were no backorders on the order, but it was still in the system because only some lines were selected for billing. This has been corrected.
*PC The reprint pdf function has been enhanced to be more efficient when the check number range is not first/last. It was also enhanced to only select checks and funds transfer stubs even if the document type is A for all types, if the check number range is not first/last. Finally, when selecting a document type other than all/check/stub, the check# range
fields become not applicable “(n/a)”.
*PC As of version, transaction entry would calculate very large rates when entering the units, if its
transaction code was set to have a maximum amount on an accumulator. This has been corrected.
*PC The January update in version would set the maximum year to date value in the CPP transaction code(s) to 3499.85 when it was supposed to be 3499.80 for 2022. This has been corrected, and the level update for level 204 will automatically correct the CPP codes if they have the wrong value.
*RW The find system printers function has been enhanced to show the P for pdf printer.
*RW The menu’s F3 jump feature would, when the “EX” option (meaning exit) was used, recreate the main window and immediately close it again after the normal close of the main window. This has been corrected.
*RW The startup copyright notice has been updated for 2022.
*RW The installation routines could get some extra 8 second pauses when updating the percentage complete. This has been corrected.
*SC The find ticket window has been enhanced to have a selection option for patched tickets, and to add the keyword “patched” to the Shift-F7 filter option.
*SC The packages menu has a new “Patched customers report” option, which shows all customers with a patched flag, and all customers with an SF module that either shows as patched OR has a non-zero “safe” version/level for use by the automatic update.
*SC The package entry screen has new fields for patched flag, and safe version/level values. These should only be set on the SF module.
Current Release 35.203 (14.07)
Dec 29 2021
*PC The transaction entry would, as of level, for a transaction code of computation type 5/6/7/8, reset the entered units back to zero. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.202 (14.07)
Dec 22 2021
*BR The transfer checks/deposits function could show funds transfers as C for check. This has been corrected.
*IC Samco option CS2135 for date sensitive prices (Load price changes) has been enhanced so that when using the extra samco option CS2137 (for looking up price codes by description), the import will ignore the case of the description, allowing the price code to be found even when the description is not using the same upper/lower case.
*IC Kit transaction posting could get an error 91,00 when finishing up. This has been corrected.
*IC The Group price changes report can now be exported to a tab delimited file.
*OE Incorrect quantities could be calculated, when choosing a B/O kit handling selection. This has been corrected.
*OE When printing a picking ticket to PDF, the Order status was not updated. This has been corrected.
*PC The find accumulator function has been enhanced to inclue the F7 filter option, for easier searching.
*PC The reprint PDF function would return a “No record found” message when an employee code is entered. This has been corrected.
*PC The reports menu has a new sick day earnings worksheet which will ask for the sick day, the number of days back to check for earnings, and a range of employees, then print off the transactions for each employee which are normal earnings (not overtime, not bonus amounts, not deductions), to get the appropriate earnings amounts from the last 30 days to help with “average daily pay” calculations.
*PC The print employee record has been enhanced to include the sick days date for start of the employment year. The terminated date has been moved to the bottom of the column of dates, to make room and since it is more logical in that position.
*RW The button bar on the gui screen would truncate a tiny portion of the right side of the next/previous buttons. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.201 (14.07)
Dec 02 2021
*AR Accounts Receivable customer credit card number entry could reject American Express card numbers even though they were valid. This has been corrected.
*DX The item information import has been enhanced so when in gui mode, the F4 key at field number to change will bring up a file selection dialog box to copy the selected file to the server for import.
*DX The item information import has been enhanced to support the status record auto-creation feature, when the I/C control information says to do that.
*OE The BLMENU program could get an error 92,00 on the OECTLF file. This has been corrected.
*OE In batch invoice printing, the invoice date field can be skipped without entering a date. This has been corrected so that the invoice date field is mandatory and defaults to current date.
*OE Billing’s line item entry could, when using rental items, display two fields with the same field number. This has been corrected.
*OE The profitability report would, in detail mode, show all the lines for an invoice even when sorted by salesrep and some of the lines belong to a different salesrep. This has been corrected.
*PA Transfer In line items for serialized items have been enhanced to fetch the serial numbers used from the Transfer Out records when using in-transit warehouses.
*PC Pay stubs that are supposed to be eSent were printing hard copies instead. This has been corrected.
*RW The users maintenance function would get an error 94,20 when no ICCTLF file is present and Samco option 2316 is enabled. This has been corrected.
*SA The Sales Analysis Samco option 2609 for showing qty on hand now defaults to No instead of Yes.
Current Release 35.200 (14.07)
Oct 05 2021
*DX The D/X customer item translation menu has a new option for copying customer item records from the I/C customer item file, into the D/X customer item file.
*DX The F2 option in the custom number field, for copying all the customer items from one customer to another, now has a prompt notifying the user that the option is available.
*OE Form printing in Billing could, in rare circumstances, get a different discount amount on the line item (by one cent, due to rounding) than the posting would. This has been corrected.
*PC Printing current/historical T4 and releve 1 functions have been enhanced so that when using eSend, or if the samco option for pdf archiving is enabled, the printing happens in separate passes. This way the T4s can, if need be, go to a single PDF file for printing to any printer, such as a GDI printer.
*SF All modules will now, when a form is printed, create a pdf copy in the appropriate archive file for that module, so that the new reprint option in the reports menu will be able to find and print the archived copy of the form. Note: If the form is designed to go on a pre-printed document, the archive copy will not have any literals included to help determine which fields are which values. Documents include invoices, picking tickets, quotes, A/R statements, A/P checks, payroll checks, purchase orders and receivers.
Current Release 35.199 (14.07)
Sep 20 2021
*AP The utility for load open item would give an error message about exceeding the original amount, if the original invoice amount field was set to a negative amount, and the current amount was zero. This has been
*OE Retail operations could, when performing admin credit card processing transactions, enter an infinite loop while printing the receipt. This has been corrected.
*OE In OE, Order packing, when a customer has an associated EDI customer record, the shipping label in that EDI customer record gets used in Order packing even when it is set to blank. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.198 (14.07)
Sep 13 2021
*AP In Accounts Payable, selected vouchers paid by online payment and posted in the “Record online payment” function would have blank check dates in the vendor history file. This has been corrected.
*AR The cash application alternate entry screen has been enhanced so that once the balance goes down to zero, the next use of the F1 key will warn the user that continuing would make the balance negative, and require a supervisor override to allow it.
*AR In the A/R View customer account screen, unposted pre-authorized payments are now included in the list of transactions.
*DX The find D/X customers window function for filtering would not find anything based on customer name or address. This has been corrected.
*GL The trial balance report would reset the beginning balance amounts to zero for the profit and loss accounts when running the report for a 2nd year without having closed the first year yet. This has been corrected.
*IC Inventory Transaction Registers were not displaying enhanced locations properly for transfers. This has been corrected.
*OE The invoice history purge function would redisplay the selected customer number with leading zeroes, if the entered number was alphabetic. This has been corrected.
*OE The invoice history report that prints by invoice# has been enhanced to be more efficient when specific selection values (not just first/last, earliest/latest) are used.
*OE Samco option CS2632 would not allow the notification list of user ids to be reset to empty after there was at least one set. This has been corrected.
*OE The picking ticket function could, during housekeeping functions, reset the original quote/rma number to zero if it was not numeric. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.197 (14.07)
Jul 23 2021
*AP The funds transfer file create could, as of, use the wrong value for the 80 characters indicator in the royal bank qualifier record that goes at the front of the file. This has been corrected.
*CM The contact maintenance screen would, when the samco option 2416 is on and a document-send flag is set to fax only, say email instead. This has been corrected.
*OE Samco option 1723, to reserve po quantity for specific orders, would not show a negative sign if the quantity available (or quantity reserved) was negative. This has been corrected.
*OE The order packing function, samco option 1195, would fail to update the item and status commit/backorder quantity fields if the quantity to ship was changed for the order’s line item. This has been corrected.
*OE In O/E Till setup, a card processor field has been added. If it is set, credit card processing will use the till’s assigned card processor, overriding the default.
*PA The six week item history report has been enhanced to check if thecurrent year is different from today’s year. If so, and a calendar has not been set up yet for today’s year, then a warning message will appear.
*PA When printing P/A receiving or transfer forms, serialized items’ serial numbers were not printed. This has been corrected.
*PA P/A Transfers would not allow entry of serial numbers for serialized items, stating that the serial number was already in stock. This has been corrected.
*PA In P/A Transfer out posting, the F1 option for starting and ending transfer number can now be suppressed using the flag added to P/A control information.
*PI The new esend option in immediate invoice printing would not include the invoice number. This has been corrected.
*PI The new esend option in immediate quote printing would not bring up the esend window to get the sending parameters. This has been corrected.
*PI The batch invoice print function could, as of, leave the invoices in a state of “not printed”, immediately after printing them, if the samco option for eSend is turned on and the eSend option on screen is set to no. This has been corrected.
*RW The immediate invoice print window would treat a received on account order not as an invoice, so the samco option 2416 for esend flags on contacts would ignore the invoice flag. This has been corrected.
*RW The extended functions for fax and email would show an error about a recursive call, when one was used and then the other was used without exiting the first window. This has been corrected.
*RW The gui drop-down help menu has a new option for “Remote support”. This will download and launch the provided copy of the SplashtopSOS program so that a samco Technician can connect to your workstation and help with whatever services you need.
*RW The user maintenance could, with the right samco option enabled, get a fatal file error message when trying to add a new user. This has been corrected
Current Release 35.196 (14.07)
Jun 17 2021
Includes the July 2021 Payroll update.
*AP The funds transfer file creation has been enhanced to include the royal bank qualifier record at the front of the CPA format file, when that flag is set in the cash account settings.
*AR The cash transaction lower screen where application of the cash takes place would, as of, treat the lower field tag numbers as if they were 1 to 4, instead of 10 to 13. This has been corrected.
*OE In Billing, PDF archive phase of form printing, the page count is not getting initialized. This has been corrected.
*OE In Billing, Orders, Consolidate orders, a routine to precalculate the resulting line items count was added. If the resulting line items count exceeds 979, a message is displayed and the consolidation is canceled.
*OE The rapid entry and retail entry screens have been enhanced to add the F7=History option to quantity and price fields of the line item. The item number field also has the option, but only if the line has already
been added.
*PA The view received P.O. history screen option to view header information when the F6 key is pressed, would not display the drop ship information as if it was an oddly laid out comment. This has been corrected.
*PA The view received P.O. history screen has been enhanced so that the Loc column will show “*DS*” when the PO is a drop ship. Also, when viewing lines within a PO, the top right will show “**DROP SHIP**” above the header location field.
*PC The funds transfer file creation could, as of level, get an error 91,02 on the transmission file when the cash account EFT format did not match the payroll format. This has been corrected.
*PC The funds transfer file creation has been enhanced to include the royal bank qualifier record at the front of the CPA format file, when that flag is set in the control information settings.
Current Release 35.195 (14.07)
Jun 01 2021
*AP In AP, when voiding a prepayment quick check a second time, the system failed to locate the record. This has been corrected.
*AR The cash application screen will display a message when the document specified has an atypical balance. This message has been improved to be more specific about what the document type is and why the balance is not normal.
*AR The cash application screen’s F5 window for specifying which documents (apply-to numbers, actually) should be paid, would, if the running balance went negative, use that negative balance when the F1 key was used for default amount to pay an invoice, when it should have just used the invoice amount. This has been corrected.
*AR The cash application screen’s F5 window for specifying which documents (apply-to numbers, actually) should be paid has been enhanced so that if there is an open credit, and it has a positive balance, a message comes up explaining that this is unusual (atypical) for open credits and there are no funds available to be redistributed to invoices.
*AR The cash application screen’s F5 window for specifying which documents (apply-to numbers, actually) should be paid has been enhanced so that when “paying” a payment, the “payment” has to be the same sign as the document balance. Normal payments require a negative “pay-amt” so that their funds can go into the running balance and be used to pay something with a postive balance (invoices usually). While a payment with a postive balance needs to be paid down like an invoice, so it now requires a postive “pay-amt” like an invoice does.
*AR The forms maintenance test feature has been enhanced so that when using always mounted forms with the samco esend feature for single pass printing (CS2227), the test will ask for which printer to print to instead of assuming the mounted printer.
*AR The view customer account/history screen could get an error 94,20 on the INVHIS file, if the system had the O/E programs available but has only P/I data in the current company, and the user hits F4 to see invoice
detail. This has been corrected.
*AR The statement printing has been enhanced to ask for a printer# when doing test prints from forms maintenance, even when the control file says forms are always mounted and has a pre-set printer entered.
*AR The history/statement printing would fail, when the customer range was set to a single customer, and trying to esend when the paper printer was set to the same printer as the esend printer. This has been corrected.
*AR The statement/history selection has been enhanced so that when using esend, the paper printer field enforces picking a paper printer and the esend printer field enforces picking an esend printer. You can only pick any type of printer when the other media type is set to “skip” those customers.
*GL In GL, when printing a historical financial statement with CS2453 enabled, the Retained earnings would show wrong amount. This has been corrected.
*IC Item maintenance would, for an item that has no product number, do nothing when attempting to use the Shift-F5 key to jump to the vendor item screen. It will now explain that the item needs a product number.
*IC The inventory recalc function has been enhanced to allow use of the P for pdf printer.
*IC The inventory recalc function would use the previous item# when reporting a problem with the serial count. This has been corrected.
*OE Billing’s control information screen has added a new flag, if you are using samco option 2319, which asks when you want to use the customer form: when eSending only, when printing paper only, or for both.
*OE The invoice print could, with samco option 2319 turned on, remember the contacts specified in the last form print if the last print was cancelled. This has been corrected.
*PS The ticket entry could take a ticket off hold, and if it was put on hold by another screen, and that screen still had the print options showing, then taking the ticket off hold would not have any line items. This has been corrected, and a message added to indicate when a ticket is still in the process of being put on hold.
*RW The print functions would still use the term “fax” when referring to the esend feature. This has been corrected.
*RW The gui interface would, as of, display the startup screen momentarily when exiting the software. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.194 (14.07)
May 10 2021
*AP The comparison to GL report would treat transfer vouchers as positive transactions instead of negative. This has been corrected.
*AP The comparison to GL report would skip some GL entries. This has been corrected.
*AP In AP, Open item history, an option to include items past the aging date has been added.
*DX 850 import has been enhanced to check D/X customer record for partner id to see if this partner is in test mode.
*DX 850 import would use the D/X customer separator characters even when the override flag was set to no. This has been corrected.
*DX The order export has been enhanced so that if the document is using X12 format, it will create an entry for that document (ASN, Invoice) in the X12 acknowledgement log, for later 997 documents to update with accept
or reject status.
*DX The order export now supports “full street” fields which combine both street addresses (from before the city) into one field, to make creating an edi document easier.
*DX The order import has been enhanced to allow import of the terms code field.
*DX The order export formats entry function has been enhanced to now include a flag in the edi details window, for whether the export should treat credit memo values as negative or not.
*IC Item maintenance could get a 94,20 error on the PAVITF file when setting a product number to blank, if the item had a prime vendor set but not using vendor items. This has been corrected.
*IC The status maintenance has been enhanced so that if the primary location code is changed, it will be pushed into all O/E line item records so that their picking tickets can sort correctly when sorting by location code, instead of referencing the old location from when the line was added.
*OE A new flag to print batch invoices in one PDF or individual PDF file has been added.
*OE The label copy could, as of level, fail to copy the specified label format. This has been corrected.
*OE The samco feature for order status can be set in the user defined form, so the order status changes when you print the form. This status can be different between order types. The auto-copy feature would overwrite the status of the other types, when a change was made in the body of the form. This has been corrected.
*OE The order entry could get into a record in use message about the station file that would not go away, when using station order numbers and the samco option for tracking deleted orders was RM:in use. This has been corrected.
*OE The packing label template feature was enhanced to add %PROSHIPNO% and %CUSTDEPT% fields.
*PA The immediate form print feature for transfer printing could leave the message “Form XXXXX requires a printer id” on the screen overlapping with screen prompts in a gui environment. This has been corrected.
*RW The gui screen drop down menu for I/C reports would go to the wrong report for some entries. This has been corrected.
*RW The print functions would print dashed lines for the headers instead of printing unbroken horizontal lines, even when the printer supports the horizontal line. This has been corrected.
*RW The gui screen interface would, with field mode turned off, insert a carriage return after each character when pasting from the clipboard. This has been corrected.
*RW The user maintenance field for default printer has been enhanced to allow P for pdf as one of the options.
Current Release 35.193 (14.07)
Apr 07 2021
*AR The statement printing, when samco option 2618 is enabled, will have an option to include P/I invoices/credit memo with the statement when emailing to a customer.
*DX The extended D/X import for edi 850 documents, would (when trying to process a segment) try to process the segment field, even if the “If” segment is false. This has been corrected.
*RW The main eSend function has been enhanced to support the ability to merge extra pdf files into the one pdf file created from the report (or form) being printed.
*PC The report menu function for reprint of archived forms (samco option 2488) would only allow access if the user record specified ability to print checks, not for any of the other forms. This has been corrected.
*PI The P/I invoice print would, when the samco option 2488 is on, only create the archive if the print was to the eSend printer. This has been corrected.
*PI The P/I quote print would, when the samco option 2488 is on, only create the archive if the print was to the eSend printer. This has been corrected.
*SA The Sales Analysis User Defined report, when the item qty on hand samco option is in use, items that do not have sales in a specified period will will also be included in that report.
Current Release 35.192 (14.07)
Mar 24 2021
*PC The releve 1 master for the 20EMP form would show the maximum value in the QPIP box even if the maximum had not been reached. This has been corrected.
*AP The manual payments edit list/register could show prepayment applications as manual checks if they were in the same batch for the same vendor as a manual check. This has been corrected.
*AP The A/P comparison to GL has been enhanced to hide records that balance by date when sorted by date.
*AP The Change vendor number utility now logs the number change for tracking purposes.
*AP The AP transaction entry has been enhanced so that when entering a check, whether a quick check, a prepayment or a non-ap check, the history will be reviewed to see if this check# (with this date and cash account) has already been used. If so, a message appears notifying about this. This is a protected message so hitting enter will take the user back to the entry when adding (or undo the last change, when changing existing data) so that the values can be made unique. If the F2 key is used, then the duplicate information will be allowed.
*AP The void check function will now show the vendor number associated with the specified check. If there is more than one vendor, ie more than one check, screen will ask for which vendor’s check to void. The vendor number can be set to All in order to get the old behaviour, where the check is treated as one check, despite multiple vendors, and all the vouchers are reinstated.
*AP The check register, view by check number, view vendor invoices, and vendor history report would show the document type for a voided online payment as an online payment. This has been corrected.
*AR The A/R comparison to GL has been enhanced to hide records that balance by date when sorted by date.
*AR The Change customer number utility now logs the number change for tracking purposes.
*AR In AR, Customer list, exporting UDF values failed for non-contiguous UDF field definitions. This has been corrected.
*BR The BR Bank account report can now use the export printer.
*CM The new contact entry screen fields for whether to eSend forms, will now warn the user if they try to pick an email option and the contact has no email address, or a fax option and the contact has no fax number.
*DX The order template entry screen could have bad tag numbers in the field detail screen. This has been corrected.
*GL In G/L, File utilities, an option was added to ensure the GL Reference field matches the customer or vendor number.
*IC The change item number utility now logs the number change for tracking purposes.
*IC The find item functions options for showing order detail and for showing purchase order detail have been enhanced to check the extended functions menu password for the same functions. If they are disabled in the
extended functions, then they will be disabled in the find item window as well.
*IC The P/A forms print field for “item bar code” has been enhanced to be aware of samco option 2239, which allows setting a print flag on a specific barcode, so it will print rather than simply the first one in the table.
*IC The inventory register would print the transactions from all users, even though post by user was enabled, when posting was started from the P/A module. This has been corrected.
*IC The I/C Valuation report would, if the new item cost history file is in use, use the posting date to determine the cost instead of the document date. This has been corrected.
*OE Samco option 2605, for transport codes, would not carry the transport code and settings forward when samco option 2535 for linked items is also used to automatically create a 2nd line item. This has been
*OE The immediate invoice print window will now appear if the esend printer cannot be set, due to forms in the chain all having their embedded printers pre-set.
*OE The immediate invoice print window would, when the change printer option was chosen for a second time, default back to the master default, rather than the value chosen the first time. This has been corrected.
*OE In the Orders line item entry screen an in-transfer qty field has been added.
*OE The O/E forms print added a field for “Item bar code (dflt)” which is aware of samco option 2239, which allows setting a print flag on a specific barcode, so it will print that one rather than simply the first one in the table. With the option off, it WILL print the first barcode.
*OE The invoice print would (as of level, when sending ROA documents or credit memos via eSend, use the order number instead of the invoice number in the email/fax header. This has been corrected.
*OE The invoice print would ask for esend information, even if the esend printer had been changed to a normal printer. This has been corrected.
*PA The P/A forms print field for “item bar code” has been enhanced to be aware of samco option 2239, which allows setting a print flag on a specific barcode, so it will print that one rather than simply the first one in the table.
*PA The Purchasing Transfer edit list can now use the export printer.
*PA The Purchasing Open transfer report can now use the export printer.
*PI In Professional Invoicing, invoices can now be emailed to a customer.
*PI In Professional Invoicing, quotes can now be emailed to a customer.
*PI In Professional Invoicing, exact copies of invoices and quotes are now archived and can be reprinted on demand.
*PS The ticket print would, when using a system printer rather than directly using a device and the form was not using the “force column” feature, fail to advance the page when the line item section filled up. This has been corrected.
*RW The system could, in some text entry boxes, when the Esc key was pressed and the choice box came up to restart or continue, ignore the choice and restart anyway. This has been corrected.
*RW User maintenance could get an error 94,20 on the WHSFIL.DAT file if the inventory module is not turned on in the company. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.191 (14.07)
Feb 25 2021
*AR The cash receipts application screen window for “alt entry screen” would reduce the displayed amount remaining by the amount of the current document if hit F1 for default amount in the pay flag column, and continue reducing if hit F1 again. This has been corrected.
*AR The credit card information can now be changed one field at a time but all information remains encrypted.
*AR The A/R distribution to G/L report could, when using the selection field for a single journal id, pick up an extra record from another journal. This has been corrected.
*AR The A/R distribution to G/L report has been enhanced to show the percentage complete while building the work file.
*FP In Fishpro, Control information, the “WCB maximum” field now allows entry of up to 6 digits and 2 decimal places amount.
*FP In Fishpro, Fisherman history report, exporting the report to Excel via tab delimited file is now available.
*IC The I/C file utilities has a new utility which prints/exports a report showing all the items, whether they are active, and a count of the number of barcodes entered for each item. It is the “Item barcode count report”.
*IC In IC, Physical count, Import count, pressing Tab now navigates back to the menu.
*IC The item label template feature added a new field for todays date, called %SYSDATE%.
*IC The item entry screen function for multiple barcode entry would show the prompts for the barcode entry field in the main window instead of the barcode window. This has been corrected.
*OE In Billing, Invoice History, View invoice history, sales rep field has been added that can be filtered by.
*OE The auto archive of linked forms would create an archive even if the print version of the form got suppressed.
This has been corrected.
*OE In Billing, converting Quotes to Orders resets the non-taxable status of line items to taxable. This has been corrected.
*OE In an RMA, always serialized item serial number entry can now be exited without canceling the line item entry.
*PA In Purchasing, when auto archiving is enabled and printing a form, if the form being printed is linked to another form, the first form prints out repeatedly. This has been corrected.
*PA In Purchasing, PO Reports, PO’s to be received, the application exits when running this report and the multi-warehouse feature is off. This has been corrected.
*PA In Purchasing, Transfer Out/In, using the find warehouse function and selecting the “Central” warehouse would not work. This has been corrected.
*PA In Purchasing, View, Transfers, using the find warehouse function and selecting the “Central” warehouse would not work. This has been corrected.
*PC The calculate deductions would, when processing “extra” cpp or eic or qpip (entered manually in the same place regular time is entered), correctly calculate the check amount, but the correspoding BNK transaction and it’s resulting GL distributions, would not include the extra deductions. This has been corrected.
*PS The ticket entry lookup of orders and layaways would, when trying to search by name, and the on-disk name had lower-case letters, fail to find the ticket by the name. This has been corrected.
*SA In Sales Analysis, the User Defined Report would do processing for samco option CS2609 even when not needed, causing the report to slow down. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.190 (14.07)
Jan 25 2021
*AP The quick check entry screen that asks for cash account, check number, etc, would display the “(none)” literal on the wrong line if the F1 key was used in the comment field. This has been corrected.
*AR The cash receipts application screen’s “Alt entry screen” which shows a table of the outstanding open items, would increase the running balance in the amount remaining field every time the F1 feature for automatically setting the “amount to pay” was used on an open item that had already been marked to pay. This has been corrected.
*AR In cash receipt entry the “Check/Auth#” field can now be changed.
*AR In cash history, purging of cash receipt records no longer deletes cash deposit records.
*AR In Deposit summary report, an option to purge deposit records were added.
*AR In AR, Setup, Hold Code maintenance, there are now 3 override flags: N for none, S for supervisors and A for anyone.
*CM The contacts list window has been enhanced so that the delete contact option is always available, including when contacts are brought up from customer maintenance, vendor maintenance or the system functions window.
*DX In Global DX, Item import, sale prices fields were added.
*GL In GL, the financial statements were enhanced to show comparatives even when Year end has not even been run yet for the current accounting period.
*IC In item list by item description, exporting the report to file excludes the user fields. This has been corrected.
*IC The find serial number function prompt line entry field would logically overlap with the last letter of the “F5=All” prompt, so the entry field pre-populated with the “l” character. This has been corrected.
*IC The handheld physical count has been updated to help avoid conflicts with changes by other users.
*IC Samco option 2046, for load serial numbers, would not see the list of serial numbers for the current item, if the find feature (“?”) was used in the serial number field. This has been corrected.
*IC In item maintenance if a user has a default warehouse assigned, the item prices and cost come from that warehouse.
*IC In item list by item number, exporting the report to file excludes the user defined fields. This has been corrected.
*IC The group price change can now be run using zero as a percentage or a dollar amount change, if the rounding is set to something other than none. Old prices now print directly below new prices when maximum prices count
is less than 4. Items that will not change any price nor costs will now be excluded from
the report.
*OE In Billing, Order entry, RMAs now have the option to print picking ticket.
*OE The quick shipping label extended function would not display the city, state, and zip fields properly when editing the address. This has been corrected.
*OE In recurring order, PAP is now part of options of tender code menu.
*PC The T4 and T4 history print functions could, when the 20OTH form is used, and an employee is printed who requires a 2nd T4 to handle all the other income amounts, print overlapping T4 values on the next forms.
This has been corrected.
*PC The T4 and T4A printouts would, as of, print the other amounts with the wrong box number. The box number would be the number of the next other amount in the list. This has been corrected.
*PC The calculate deductions funtion, special option 1525 for alternate union dues calculation, has been changed to start reducing tax.
*RW The level update for 32.005 would get a 94,02 error on the PSLINF. This has been corrected.
*RW The level update for 34.084 would get a 94,02 error on the STAFIL. This has been corrected.
*RW The level update for 34.086 would get a 94,02 error on the STAFIL. This has been corrected.
*RW The “about” option, which is also available via F4 from any menu, has been enhanced to show the installed date below the build date.
*RW The system would, when mirroring reports printed to screen, store them with too many lines per page, causing the reprint/redisplay logic to show them incorrectly. This has been corrected.
*RW When selecting an eSend printer by mistake, then canceling the eSend, the system would not redisplay the printer selection window. This has been corrected.
*RW The system could introduce non-printing characters (such as tab character) into text fields, when the mouse right-click paste option is used. This has been corrected.
*RW The system could “overfill” a field, when pasting via the ctrl-v key or the edit menu, if the clipboard had more text than the field would normally allow. The field would drop the text once the enter key was used, but would look odd until then. This has been corrected.
*RW The system copy feature would, when copying from a field on the main underlying screen, while a pop-up window is showing, actually grab text from the screen line below where the selection box displays. This has
been corrected.
*RW In user maintenance, a user can now be assigned a default warehouse. The item prices in item maintenance and in item status will come from the default warehouse.
*SA The S/A user defined report could blank out the tag number for “Include components”. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.189 (14.07)
Dec 22 2020
*GL The general journal transaction entry could, as of, get a message about perform stack overflow, after entering a lot of transactions without exiting the screen. This has been corrected.
*OE The immediate invoice print window would, as of, appear for the main order entry screens processing regular O type orders, if tills are in use. This has been changed so that if there are till printers for non-invoice forms, the window will appear and only show those printers. But if there are no valid printers in the till, the
window will not be opened at all.
*PC The Record of Employment printout could, as of, get an error 90,01 on the PLQFIL. This has been corrected.
*SA The user defined report would, if the fields chosen fit into 132 columns exactly, still automatically switch to the 220 column mode. This has been corrected.
*SA The samco option 2609 would, if the quantity on hand option was chosen along with warehouse, get a 94,20 error on the STAFIL file. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.188 (14.07)
Dec 16 2020
*PC The form processing field for “RL1 orig/amend flag” has changed to say “Original/amend code” to better reflect the fact that it is also used for T4 and T4A printing.
*AP A/P Check register can now be printed to file, pdf, html and to screen when posting AP Checks.
*AP In A/P Pre-check writing report, vendors with EFT set up but not activated will show as being paid by cheque or online.
*AP In A/P, voucher entry, when entering a quick cheque details, the option to override an EFT is no longer asked when vendor has EFT but not activated.
*AP In A/P, individual voucher selection for payment, vendors with EFT set up but not activated can only be paid by cheque or online payment.
*AP In vendor maintenance, an Electronic Funds Transfer active flag was added. This new flag is used to turn off sending funds transfers even if the bank account information has been entered. This would leave the options for
printing a paper check, or using online payment.
*AR The cash application detail window would reset a manually entered discount amount back to the default (from terms) discount amount. This has been corrected.
*AR The cash application detail window has been enhanced so that the amount applied column now has an F2 option to allow resetting the discount back to default values. Also, an F5 option was added to that field so the discount window, with the allowance and reference, could be set before having to decide on the amount to apply, so the default amount (available via the F1 key) would include those amounts.
*AR Sales Register can now be printed to file, pdf, or screen when posting.
*AR The historical statement print would, if the user had not yet set the printed flag on the history open items (by saying Y to statements printed are okay), show those after the balance forward line. This has been corrected.
*BR The transfer function would, when any bank account is set up to use summary method for EFT transfer, try to use A/P and Payroll funds transfer files, failing if they do not exist. This has been corrected.
*CB The submission function has been enhanced to count the closed entries marked for sumission, and limit them to 50.
*IC In I/C Control information, if purpose codes are used, a valid purpose code is now mandatory.
*IC The inventory menu would, when samco option 2373 is enabled, put the recycling menu option on the second page of the menu, rather than on the bottom of the first page. This has been corrected.
*IC The item label has been enhanced so the template processing now allows printing of the warehouse location code fields, along with last sale date and last date used.
*IC Detailed Inventory Register can now be printed to file, pdf and to screen when posting.
*IC In “Work orders, Print work orders”, print to file, pdf, html and screen printers been enabled.
*IC In “Work orders, Commit inventory”, print to file, pdf, html and screen printers been enabled.
*OE In batch invoice printing, when Samco option 2488 is enabled, the archiving of forms could cause system printers using the windows spooler selection window to ask for the target printer multiple times. The archiving process now only starts if the invoices were confirmed to have printed successfully.
*OE When copying invoice from history into a new order, the “Release-to” field value has now been excluded in the new order.
*OE Audit reports like registers can now be printed to screen, file, html or pdf.
*PA In P/A Control information, a default purpose code entry field was added. This field is mandatory if purpose codes are used in I/C.
*PA A/P Check register can now be printed to file, pdf, html and to screen when posting AP Checks.
*PA In the Purchasing Transfer reconciliation posting screen, if purpose codes are used I/C, the Adjustment Account entry field is replaced with the purpose code entry.
*PC The control information function’s various extra-information windows would display prompts in the wrong locations and not clear them properly. This has been corrected.
*PC The TD1 details entry by table has been enhanced so that the Fed-claim and Prv-claim column headings have been right justified to line up with the data, and also changed to FedClaim and ProvClaim so the province claim amount is easier to recognise.
*PC The employee maintenance screen for other accumulators would, when run in gui mode, leave blank boxes on the screen as you arrow down the list. This has been corrected.
*PC Check register can now be printed to file, pdf, html and to screen when posting checks.
*PC Payroll transactions can now be printed to file, pdf, html and to screen when posting.
*RW The print functions have been enhanced so that if the user gets a “printer in use” message, then the name of the report the other user is printing is displayed in addition to their user id.
*RW The print function message for printer in use could have the input field occur inside the text of the message rather than after it. This has been corrected.
*RW The print screen function would act like a special form and try to get an exclusive lock on the device to prevent overlapping print. This has been changed to use normal report logic so it is just another print job in the spooler.
Current Release 35.187 (14.07)
Nov 24 2020
*PA Purchasing’s Vendor Item records were structured such that it was possible to have more than one product for particular vendor and a particular item, allowing for the possibility of item data becoming out of sync with the vendor item data. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.186 (14.07)
Nov 19 2020
*AR The saved parameters window could, after entering the code/name to save the parameters under, show the cursor in the top corner of the window, rather than to the right of the options. This has been corrected.
*RW The function that converts printouts to pdf has been enhanced to add a logging feature that tech support can review if there is any failure.
*CMD The power accounting startup has been enhanced for windows users and thin client users, so that if the runner utility is not in the SSITHIN folder, then it’s installer will be recopied from the server, and run
*AP In AP, Reports, Reprint PDF Archive, filter by specific vendor# did not work due to format mismatch of the numeric vendor#. This has been corrected.
*AR The statment printing would, when samco option 2416 is enabled, get a 91,02 error on the print file when printing more than 1 statement. This has been corrected.
*DX The Global DX, Import, PO has added transport code, carry out/retail flag, warehouse pick up flag, delivery flag, and other flag to template definition.
*RW The default esend script “faxemail” would, if a fax number was used, only send an email to the sending user, rather than using the “” script to send the fax via the 3rd party vsifax program.
*GL In GL, financial statement print from history, from version 14.35.183, the GL transaction file is used to calculate the comparatives. However, the GL transaction file may not have the comparative records yet. This has been corrected to always use the GL details for historical financial statements.
*GL The general ledger posting could, as of, stop a subledger auto-post, if there were already transactions on file for another user. This has been corrected.
*GL In P&L financial statement, the comparative YTD amount included all transactions since day 1. This has been corrected so that comparative YTD amount only includes transactions for the comparative fiscal year.
*IC In IC Control Information, flags have been added to control whether to update base cost and replacement cost from reciving transactions.
*OE In Orders, Enter since version 14.35.183, the transport method entry field gets asked even when that option is not enabled. This has been corrected.
*OE The oe invoice printing would lock the new ICDISL.DAT file, and prevent posting, or getting IC distributions, while the printing was going on, when this was only supposed to occur for OE posting. This has been corrected.
*PC Employees menu has a new option for table entry of TD1 details. This function shows the employees on the screen in list style, allows selection of just employees not yet converted to detailed TD1 information to help determine who needs to be updated. And the TD1 details window is accessible from this screen.
*PC Employees menu has a new option for table entry of TD1 details. This function shows the employees on the screen in list style, allows selection of just employees not yet converted to detailed TD1
information to help determine who needs to be updated. And the TD1 details window is accessible from this screen.
*PC The employee entry function, 2nd screen TD1 fields for federal and provincial amounts, will now automatically go to the new TD1 details screen, which allows for entry of the various individual amounts from the TD1 forms. This will allow more accurate indexing at year end and allow for implementation of the new basic exemption amount which varies according to earnings.
*PC The print employee list function has been enhanced to include the X printer option. This will allow creation of a tab delimited file for spreadsheet creation, that can include employees, their addresses, phone
numbers, and emails. Suitable for making a mass email possible by copying the email column and pasting into an email client’s “to:” field.
*RW The company maintenance would, when exiting the screen, load the company default paths (for pdf reports, text file reports, and tab export reports) into memory, without checking to see if the current user has override values. This has been corrected.
*RW If the SSITHIN folder was not present in the local drive, then the samcolauncher.exe could not be copied there. This has been corrected,
*RW When printing reports and the selected printer is pdf, html or file, the default folder name is no longer displayed in the filename entry field. The folder name is automatically prepended to the filename instead.
*RW When printing A/R statements to a system printer using the WINDIRECT device name, the Windows printer selection dialog box pops up once for each statement. This has been corrected.
*WI The Web Integration query driver now logs to the wilog folder.
Current Release 35.185 (14.07)
Oct 22 2020
*DX The Global D/X Order Import function, as of version, was failing to read the saved parameter records properly, causing errors in esamco. This has been corrected.
*IC Inventory Transaction entries, as of version, could cause the qty committed values of succeeding entries to be calculated incorrectly. This has been corrected.
*OE In Orders/Invoicing line item entry, selecting a line item to edit using the F5 key would skip over the warehouse field. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.184 (14.07)
Oct 20 2020
*DX The edi customers listing has been enhanced to include the X printer option and to print some fields that were previously not included.
*DX The EDI customer screen has a new field for department code, which can be used by export templates.
*DX The order export function has been enhanced and can now export a “Customer department” field.
*DX The Global DX, Import, Orders has added transport code, carry out/retail flag, warehouse pick up flag, delivery flag, and other flag to template definition.
*DX The find EDI customer function did not set the customer# as context, so the extended functions would not auto-jump to the same customer the find edi customer was showing. This has been corrected.
*GL In Chart of Accounts maintenance, a Control account flag was added to restrict manual journal entries.
*GL In G/L Journal Entries, manual entry for G/L Account that is flagged as a Control Account is no longer allowed.
*IC The item label template feature has been enhanced to include codes for the page number fields and the user defined fields.
*IC The set item fields function would, as of version, get an index out of bounds error. This has been corrected.
*OE OE Control information has added a new field to the samco option for order status codes, for what the status should be set to after posting an order which leaves a backorder behind, rather than always setting it to “normal” status.
*OE The find billing orders function (F8/J) that shows all the orders that have a particular item on them, would show the wrong running total if the user paged down, then paged up to the first page, then back down again. This has been corrected.
*PA The purchase order entry screens for line items have been updated, so that if factor codes are turned on or the samco option for foreign currency is turned on, the item cost is shown as the base cost rather that the replacement cost.
*PA The samco option, CS1293 (which swaps the behaviour for cost defaults), would always use replacement cost even when factor codes are turned on or the samco option for foreign currency is turned on, and the base cost should be used instead. This has been corrected.
*RW Inventory has been enhanced to track item cost change history.
*SC The Service Control Ticket apply-to list window could include tickets from an unrelated apply-to group. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.183 (14.07)
Oct 07 2020
*AP There is now a utility, APUP6P, which can select A/P funds transfer records from a specific batch, for a specific (bad) date, and change them to a new, correct, date.
*AR The load open items has been enhanced so that when a field is selected from the field number to change prompt, the current value populates the field as a default, thus reducing accidental changes to the fields.
*DX The edi customer maintenance function for copying customers used a window that was too small to hold all the information. This has been corrected.
*DX The find order export template function did not always return the selected template code back to the screen where the find was started from. This has been corrected.
*DX The find EDI customers function has been enhanced to include a zoom window and to allow for text searching.
*RW The eSend functions could get errors if the subject or other fields had a backslash (\) or double quote (“) character in them. This has been corrected.
*GL The autopost of subledger data to the general ledger can, on rare occasions, post part of the batch and skip the remainder. The posting has been changed so that the auto-post will, if the GL control information says to post by user, only process transactions from the current user in an effort to prevent conflicts with other users.
*GL The new multi-user protection for the financial statement printing could get stuck if the user used the module-jump feature or the gui drop-down menus to go to a program outside the financial statement menus, resulting is everyone being locked out of the menu. This has been corrected.
*IC The detail option of the warehouse detail window has been enhanced so that the list of documents that have this item are displayed in table style rather than in boxes.
*IC The inventory menu option for import would not allow the ? find function option in the to warehouse when setting up import transfer transactions. This has been corrected.
*OE The select for billing function would, if an error was encountered such as unavailable serial numbers, stop selecting all lines after the problem line item. This has been corrected so that only the problem line is unselected.
*OE The view invoice history by customer/invoice could get an index out of bounds when you press enter for more info. This has been corrected.
*OE The view invoice history by customer/invoice would always show quantity for total lines in detail mode. This has been corrected.
*OE When an order had a payment saved into the A/R as a deposit, and that deposit was cash with a rounding amount, and the order was subsequently deleted, causing the deposit to be reversed, the rounding amount would not be reversed. This has been corrected.
*PA The P/A receiving function would, as of version, fail to update the quantity commit (and quantity ordered) fields on the item and status records when the receiving function created the inventory
transaction, so that when the inventory transaction was posted the quantity commit went up instead of ending up at zero. This has been corrected.
*PO The purchase order create function to add line items would, as of level14.07.35.181, claim that a numeric item number was not on file even when it was. This has been corrected.
*PO The vendor item maintenance screen was not displaying the prompt at the bottom of the screen to show options when doing field number to change. This has been corrected.
*RW The extended functions window has been enhanced so that the warehouse detail option now appears even when the multiple warehouses feature is turned off. This allows access to the detail option inside that screen which shows all the documents that have the specified item on them, and in what quantities.
*RW The G/L function to get distributions could, on rare occasions, while getting distributions at the same time as a subledger is posting, read a distribution and mark it transferred, before the posting was done with it. This would result in GL transactions that did not balance. This has been corrected.
*SA The S/A user defined entry screen would not allow the report order fields to be blank (central) when the field was warehouse. Neither would it allow the ? find function to copy back the central warehouse. This has been corrected.
*SA The sales analysis by user defined report now has an option to group by ship-to province.
Current Release 35.182 (14.07)
Aug 26 2020
*RW The System functions User groups menu item would not always appear in the menu bar. This has been corrected.
*IC The Print item labels function is now able to filter based on whether an item is active or inactive.
*SC The ticket entry feature for F6/ticket will now bring up a task (rather than the ticket) if the current action has an associated task number.
Current Release 35.181 (14.07)
Aug 10 2020
*OE When reprinting invoice by customer invoice, the document type used was from the last invoice history record read. This has been corrected.
*OE When the multiple tenders function is in use, the totals screen could incorrectly display the message “must be fully tendered” even when the order was fully tendered. This has been corrected.
*OE The Billing module invoice posting could leave some files open after it was done, thus preventing the set customer balances function from being able to run, even though everyone is back at a main menu. This has been corrected.
*SA Added the Item Fill Rate report.
Current Release 35.180 (14.07)
Aug 05 2020
*AP The check printing could, as of level, fail to ask for the esend form and printer, even though the funds transfer feature is enabled and the esend options for transfer stubs is enabled. This has been corrected.
*AP The vendor history function to view by check number, in level, allowed the entry of a check number but only allowed the function keys to be used. This has been corrected.
*AR The receivables distribution to GL report has been enhanced to allow selection of a specific journal number, or all journals.
*IC The find item zoom window, when showing data for the D=Detl option that shows warehouses, has been improved to include fields normally just in the zoom window when detail mode is off.
*IC The serial number load screen will now show the status field as “n/a” when the serial number is sold.
*IC The serial number load screen will now show dates of 00/00/00 as (none).
*IC The item label list of codes that can be used when using the text file merge feature, has been expanded to include: %STKUNIT%, %PRCUNIT%, %ALTUNIT1%, %ALTUNIT2% and %PREFERUNIT%.
*OE The order billing line item screen has been enhanced to handle testing for inactive items even when the item is selected via barcode entry or searching by description, and to only allow override if the user record says that they are allowed to change active status.
*OE The order entry line item screen has been enhanced to handle testing for inactive items even when the item is selected via barcode entry or searching by description, and to only allow override if the user record says that they are allowed to change active status.
*OE The rapid entry screen has been enhanced to handle testing for inactive items even when the item is selected via barcode entry or searching by description, and to only allow override if the user record says that they are allowed to change active status.
*OE The status type code has added an edit flag so that status codes can block changes to order data until the status changes.
*PA The receivings entry screen has been enhanced to handle testing for inactive items even when the item is selected via barcode entry or searching by description.
*PA The purchase order entry screen has been enhanced to handle testing for inactive items even when the item is selected via barcode entry or searching by description.
*PA The transfer out entry screen has been enhanced to handle testing for inactive items even when the item is selected via barcode entry or searching by description.
*PA The transfer out entry screen has been enhanced to allow the F2 key at the empty item number prompt so that the user can choose to print a transfer out form without posting the transfer out. Using the F2 will cause the system to ask for which form.
*PO The change purchase order entry screen has been enhanced to handle testing for inactive items.
*PO The purchase order entry screen has been enhanced to handle testing for inactive items.
*PS The ticket entry screen has been enhanced to handle testing for inactive items, and to only allow override if the user record says that they are allowed to change active status.
*RW The install routine could fail with a 96,00 error on the runcbl.md5 file on windows system without the certutil utility program. This has been corrected.
*RW The text edit function has been enhanced so that the control-leftarrow will go left one word and control-rightarrow will go right one word. It has been changed so that the home/end keys will now go to the front/end of the current line, while control home/end combinations will now go to the front/end of the entire text.
Current Release 35.178 (14.07)
Jun 26 2020
*AP The vendor history check register report option to print by date could, when printing detail, fail to include all of the detail in the specified date range. This has been corrected.
*AP The vendor history check register report could fail to include headers when the export option is chosen. This has been corrected.
*DX The D/X control information has been enhanced to include the default file name for automatically generated 997 documents.
*DX The edi customer maintenance screen was not context sensitive to the customer number. This has been corrected.
*DX The edi customer maintenance field for the 850 import template did not handle the ? correctly, so the find function did not show the list of templates correctly. This has been corrected.
*DX The order export template maintenance feature for displaying the layout of the fields did not properly handle the auto-delimiter feature, and all the fields would overlap. This has been corrected.
*IC The items by description report’s export option would leave the stock code column blank if the stock code was not on file, instead of putting the actual stock code into the column. This has been corrected.
*IC The items by item number report’s export option would leave the stock code column blank if the stock code was not on file, instead of putting the actual stock code into the column. This has been corrected.
*PO The change purchase order entry screen could get an error 94,02 on the CNGLCK file if go into the purchase order number field a second time. This has been corrected.
*RW The esend function has been enhanced to support the substitution code %P% when sending OE forms. This will be replaced by the customer’s purchase order number they gave when placing the order.
*RW The export printer option could, for some reports where a numeric field is left blank, end up exporting the value of zero as 79 zeroes. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.177 (14.07)
May 08 2020
*RW The gui interface options for right click have changed so the paste from thunderbird option now uses alt-t instead of alt-p like the normal paste.
*RW The entry screen has been enhanced so the date math options can now use up to 5 digits after the + or – sign.
*RW The gui interface edit drop down menu has a new toggle option for century date, which does the same as the ctrl-o key, to change date fields so they will allow format MMDDCCYY instead of MMDDYY when the user is entering the field. The display continues to be MM/DD/YY.
*A-I The rediwrite table L7 has been standardized so that the field descriptions no longer have the prefix “Order urgent” in front of the core part of the field names.
*AP The find vendor function has been enhanced to allow F2 key to see the list of contacts for the currently highlighted vendor.
*AR The find customer function has been enhanced to allow F2 key to see the list of contacts for the currently highlighted customer.
*BR The B/R transfer function has a new option for whether to show funds transfer details on the optional report, or whether to just show the total transferred.
*CM The C/M module added a contacts report to the reports menu. It is able to export all the contact information when the X printer is selected.
*CM The all contacts lookup screen has been enhanced to only show vendor or customer contacts if the corresponding vendor/customer find function has been allowed in the extended functions access control (aka password access).
*CM The contacts lookup screen feature for F7 search would, if the search did not match any contacts, automatically exit the screen instead of displaying a message to notify the user of the situation. This has
been corrected.
*CM The contacts lookup screen would still show options for edit and delete even when coming in from the extended functions menu where the function is in view-only mode and edits are not allowed. This has been corrected.
*CM The contacts lookup screen feature for F7 search has been enahnced so that all the contact fields are searched, not just the name.
*CM The contacts lookup screen has been enhanced so that the Primary/Alt/Related indicator in the right column is now the full word instead of just the letter, to make it easier to see at a glance.
*GL The change GL account numbers function would, after specifying a filename to import the list of changes from, display the first 10 entries to allow confirmation that this is the right file, but those entries would not have separators showing. This has been corrected.
*IC The find kit function displayed D=detail as an option, despite the option doing nothing, so the option has been removed from the screen.
*IC The find kit function has been enhanced to show the kit type in the zoom window.
*IC The Inventory transaction screen would not display the “change price?” field correctly when loading an existing record. This has been corrected.
*IC Inventory status maintenance has been enhanced to allow the Tab key to save and return to the previous screen.
*IC The warehouse setup screen would ask if there are any changes twice when adding a new warehouse. This has been corrected.
*PA The special update routine PAUP6L was created to do a file relationship check on the PAATOF file that tracks OE reservations of PA purchase orders. If the referenced orders, lines or purchase orders do not
exist, then the reservation record is purged.
*PO Posting receivings in the PO module could, under certain conditions, not handle markup codes properly. This has been corrected.
*RW The unattended mode feature for showing the password index numbers would not show them on two column menus. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.176 (14.07)
Mar 02 2020
*AP The vendor history view by check number has been enhanced to allow for looking up online payments by their “check” number in addition to their confirmation number.
*OE The form printing could get an error 91,02 on the CBCODS file when the form has a summary section. This has been corrected.
*PC The find employee zoom window has been enhanced to show the mobile phone number.
*PC The employee maintenance screen has been changed to refer to the Cell Phone as a Mobile Phone.
*PC The print employee records printout has been changed to refer to the “Cell Phone” as “Mobile ph#”.
*PC The print employee list option for including email on a 2nd line will also now include the mobile phone#.
*SA The S/A user defined report would compute costs using only 2 decimals of the unit cost, so the total cost could be slightly understated. This has been corrected.
2025 January Payroll update
2024 January Payroll update
2023 July Payroll update
2023 January Payroll update
2022 July Payroll update
2022 January Payroll update
Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Bank Reconciliation Billing (Order Entry) Order Packing
Contact Manager Custom Labels Fish Pro General Ledger Multi-Currency
Inventory Management MenuPoint Payroll, Canadian Point of Sale eSamco
Professional Invoicing Purchase Order Purchasing Sales Analysis
Scheduler Service Manager System Functions Time and Attendance
Current Release 35.175 (14.07)
Feb 20 2020
*AP The open items and manual payments entry screen has been enhanced to check for open items where the discount account is blank AND then vendor discount account is blank, and prevent the user from entering a discount amount.
*AP The open items and manual payments edit-list/register has been enhanced to check for open items where the discount account is blank AND then vendor discount account is blank, show a message saying the entry cannot post and prevent the transaction from generating a bad G/L transaction.
*AP The reports menu now has the 1099 reports/year-end functions sub-menu in it.
*AP The Accounts Payable Print by Vendor # report would, when exporting, always show zero for the purchases last year. This has been corrected.
*AP The transaction entry screen has been enhanced so that if you change the invoice amount, then after going to the GST amount field, the screen now goes to the non-discount amount field and after that, it
will recompute the discount amount if the discount percentage is set.
*AR The customer maintenance screen would show “post” instead of “post code” for the postal code field. This has been corrected.
*MS The script could get an error message about missing argument when the setup does not allow for connecting to the remote system to check the file size of the sent file. This has been corrected.
*GL The G/L module would not allow entry from the menu if the data integrity report was being run, since that function locks the files. The menu has been enhnaced to display a message explaining that the files are locked and to try again later.
*IC The Inventory Change item # program would not update Purchasing’s transfer records and history. This has been corrected.
*IC The inventory history function to adjust history from status could create adjustment records for non-inventory items such as miscellaneous items and/or goods/services/fees, now that the billing module can create history for sales made there. This has been corrected.
*IC The inventory history function to adjust status from history could create adjustment records for non-inventory items such as miscellaneous items and/or goods/services/fees, now that the billing module can create history for sales made there. This has been corrected.
*OE The immediate invoice printing window feature for overriding the default invoice number would allow an order to re-use the same invoice# it used the first time, if posting was done and the order updated so
only backorders remain. This has been corrected.
*OE The orders enter function has been enhanced so that if the customerdoes EDI, and this order has been invoiced, the warning message about being unable to void the invoice can now be overridden (using the F2 key) by those users whose password makes them an “EDI supervisor”, that is, they are allowed access to the D/X option for D/X customer maintenance.
*OE The invoice posting function would generate a separate application record for penny rounding instead of using the allowance amount. This has been corrected.
*PA Purchase Requests have been enhanced to disallow ordering items that have been marked as inactive.
*PA Adding a new vendor item record, when coming from item maintenace after copying an item, could load “last purchased” information from an unrelated vendor item. This has been corrected.
*PC The distribution to GL report could show incorrect account numbers when using the export printer in detail mode. This has been corrected.
*PO The fast receivings screen would, when no deliveries were scheduled, encounter a file error. This has been corrected.
*RW The print to pdf function, when running in crossover, would fail to show the pdf file due to trying to put quotes around the filename. The function has been changed so any spaces in the filename get converted to underscores, removing the need for quotes.
*RW The extended functions option for view user activity feature where F4 can search for who has a file open, can now be made available to all users of a linux system instead of just the root user, but the
administrator must do some setup work first by putting the users4file and functions into /usr/bin and then setting the setuid bit on the users4file program.
*TC The employee work history report has been enhanced to ask whether to show active, inactive or both types of employees.
Current Release 35.174 (14.07)
Dec 13 2019
*AP The vendor history view by check number would not format the bank account field when displaying it. This has been corrected.
*PC The control information final screen has been changed to stop showing Y or N depending on whether the information has been set, and just show an ellipsis (…) next to the tag literals, to indicate that choosing that option will bring up another window with more information.
*PC The forms list report would not print the literal showing the type of the form. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.173 (14.07)
Dec 06 2019
*AP The A/P transaction post could, as of, get a 90,01 error on the APTLCK file when one user is posting by user and another is trying to post by all users. This has been corrected.
*CB The FTZ monthly activity report would print the incoming stock headers instead of the sales headers, even if there was only sales in the period. This has been corrected.
*GL The Accounting Period maintenance screen could, in a terminal environment, erase the name of the current period field. This has been corrected.
*IC The item history screen would display the central warehouse differently in the ‘xfr’ column than in the ‘whs’ column. This has been corrected.
*IC The inventory analysis by history report would not set the dates correctly when pre-loading the default values. This has been corrected.
*OE The orders->enter totals screen would incorrectly state that “another user has done something which conflicts with what you’re doing” when the payment detail window was used to select or unselect the order via the retail operations menu. This has been corrected.
*OE The rapid/retail entry screen would incorrectly state that “another user has done something which conflicts with what you’re doing” when the payment detail window was used to select or unselect the order via the retail operations menu. This has been corrected.
*PA Purchasing’s Transfer Out screen would accept entry of serial numbers that are in different warehouses than the source warehouse. This has been corrected.
Current Release 35.172 (14.07)
Nov 14 2019
*FP The Fishpro creation of XML files for record of employment has been enhanced so that when a trip has zero for the insurable amount, it will not be recorded for sending to Revenue Canada, but the warning message will still be generated.
*IC Added new odbc table ICPHXFNC. It references the same data as the other ICPHXF tables, but instead of numeric quantity fields it has alpha fields, so they can be tested to see if they hold “*NULL*” as a value, indicating that the field has no count yet.
*AR The A/R distribution to G/L report would only allow one user at a time to run a report. This has been corrected.
*AR The sales posting could sometimes get a rounding error when processing foreign currency amounts and be off by one cent when the amount to round was exactly one half cent. This has been corrected.
*AR The order posting function could, as of, get an error 91,02 on CUSFIL in the UPDBAL program. This has been corrected.
*CB The ACE codes maintenance has enhanced the types field to do type lookup from a new code types file.
*CB The customs document print function would continue to auto-print to the screen after using the F7 display option while viewing the insides of a document, then trying the F7 print option at the document list level. This has been corrected.
*CB The ACE cargo-release-only-update option would always set the immediate delivery indicator to yes, even when there is no 6043 document. This has been corrected.
*RW The esend option for faxing to multiple addresses would not handle the case when the fax number area code was in parentheses followed by a space. This has been corrected.
*GL The General Ledger Financial Statements could encounter a file error when more than one user is using it at the same time. This has been corrected.
*IC The control information onscreen tag “Use component prices as kit price?” has been changed to be “Kit price from component prices?”, but still means the same as before.
*IC The find item has been enhanced so that if you use the filter feature to find matching items, the “no more” literal at the end of the list will include a count of how many inactive items were found that matched
but which were not included in the list.
*IC The F8/W/D option to show the detail of which documents in the system are committing this item at that warehouse, could show P/A transfers incorrectly when in-transit warehouses were in use. This has been corrected.
*IC The dated price import has been enhanced to allow a longer filename.
*IC The dated price import has been enhanced to show the name of the file imported in the legend section of the import report.
*IC The dated price import would not set the warehouse price record if the import was for a warehouse and the start date was on or before the current date. This has been corrected.
*IC The dated price function to “update items to current prices” would skip warehouse pricing. This has been corrected.
*IC Inventory’s Item Prices screen would, when using warehouse pricing, show the item price instead of the warehouse price. This has been corrected. Inventory’s Item Prices screen now also displays longer price code descriptions.
*IC Inventory’s Sale prices screen would, when using warehouse costing, display the default item costs and prices instead of the warehouse costs and prices. This has been corrected.
*IC The inventory register with detail will now print the vendor number if one is available.
*IC The inventory register would, when posted from another module, still display a warning about “no inventory transactions in range selected” if there were other inventory transactions already on file. This has
been corrected so the message will not display.
*IC When copying an item, the new item is now automatically marked as an active item.
*IC The Recalculate inventory quantity function could set the quantity commit incorrectly for serialized items when using in-transit warehouses. This has been corrected.
*OE The billing select screen for line item entry would, if the customer went over their credit limit and the user was viewing a line, allow the user to select the “cancel line” option without checking to see if a
customs document had been printed/generated, so a supervisor override was not asked for. This has been corrected.
*OE The orders enter screen for line item entry would, if the customer went over their credit limit and the user was viewing a line, allow the user to select the “cancel line” option without checking to see if a customs document had been printed/generated, so a supervisor override was not asked for. This has been corrected.
*OE The order/7512 recall screen has been enhanced so that instead of simply saying “duplicate record” when the order number was already in the submission list, it will now tell the user that the order# was already in the submission list and it would need to be retracted first. The submission screen has a similar change.
*OE The form printing has been enhanced to allow 200 feature codes rather than just 100 feature codes.
*OE The rapid entry screen could get “order in use by XXX” message when it really wasn’t. This has been corrected.
*OE Order Entry would, when changing the customer on an existing order to one over their credit limit, still proceed with the order even when you specify not to. This has been corrected.
*PA Changing the product number of an item would create a new vendor item record instead of modifying the existing one. This has been corrected.
*PA The transfer in screen would, when the in-transit warehouse was in use and the transfer out was deleted and the item had serial numbers attached to it, fail to put those serial numbers into the reversing
inventory transfer that is created to move the stock from the in-transit warehouse and back into the from warehouse. This has been corrected.
*PA The transfer in entry function would not correctly commit serial numbers. This has been corrected.
*PA The transfer out entry of serial numbers now allows ? to bring up the serial number find window. It defaults to just available serial numbers and just those in the “from” warehouse.
*PA The transfer out handling for serial numbers would not commit them. This has been corrected.
*PA The transfer out serial number window would not update the serial numbers remaining count. This has been corrected.
*RW The eSend feature for saving the last message in the faxmemo/LASTxxx.FAX file would leave the space in if the initials XXX were less than 3 characters, causing the system to be unable to find it afterwards. This has been corrected.
*RW The eSend feature for loading a memo has been enhanced to replace the
old creation date and time with the current date and time.
Current Release 35.171 (14.07)
Sep 26 2019
*FP The ROE trip information would give an error message about zero as the insurable amount, when a trip got adjusted down to zero (ie reversed). This has been corrected.
*IC The inventory entry screen could say “invalid item” when in actual fact only the user record cost flags prevent viewing costs for that item. The message has been changed to say: You are not authorized to see costs for this item.
*IC The inventory entry screen would only show the total quantity available (in all warehouses) tag when the transaction was a warehouse transfer. This has been corrected.
*OE The feature codes for .1LFT and .1RGT would not work when the force column position feature was turned on, even when they were set to the same column position as the field that needed to be shifted. This has been corrected.
*PC The employment type code field has been expanded to include types 15 thru 17, and the entry now uses a selection window.
Current Release 35.170 (14.07)
Sep 12 2019
*AP The void check function could report that the online payment does not exist, even when the confirmation number is on file, if the first payment in the history file is for a different cash account. This has been corrected.
*AR The find customers function could get an error 96 when searching by user defined fields and nothing was found after using the F3 search. This has been corrected.
*AR The find customers function would get an index out of bounds error if the screen showed no lines, and the user typed in a digit as if trying to higlight that non-existent line. This has been corrected.
*AR The statement printing would only set the printed flag of the first payment open item, when a cash receipt is applied to multiple open items, and the statement criteria says to show the payment total rather
than all the apply detail. This has been corrected.
*BR The bank reconciliation screen has been changed so that void and stop payment records can now be “cleared” like regular documents. They will remain in the list until cleared. Once cleared, they are attached
to that reconciliation date. The “*void*” mark (and the “*stop* mark) have moved from the cleared-date column to the opposite amount column.
*CB The check for delayed so,97 report has been enhanced to distinguish between sent documents and pending documents.
*CB The PG30 inspect date should be format MMDDCCYY but was instead being set using CCYYMMDD format. This has been corrected.
*FP The control information screen for magnetic filing has the T4 and ROE bulk file sequence number fields exposed so they can be reset as needed.
*IC The find item function would get an index out of bounds error if the screen showed no lines, and the user typed in a digit as if trying to higlight that non-existent line. This has been corrected.
*OE Billing could, for a newly created company, not record invoice history files. This has been corrected.
*OE The EDI option for enable/disable edi status would not show if the user did not have access to the D/X module function for EDI customers. This has been changed so now the option shows, but if the function key is used then the password is checked to see if this user is authorized, and a message displayed if they are not.
*PC The accrual code maintenance could fail to recognise the accumulator when ? to find the accumulator was used. This has been corrected.
*PC The control information function could fail to recognise the accumulator when ? to find the accumulator was used. This has been corrected.
*PC The history control information could fail to recognise the accumulator when ? to find the accumulator was used. This has been corrected.
*PC The history set pension adjustment function could fail to recognise the accumulator when ? to find the accumulator was used. This has been corrected.
*PC The set NS basic exemption function could fail to recognise the accumulator when ? to find the accumulator was used. This has been corrected.
*PC The set pension adjustment function could fail to recognise the accumulator when ? to find the accumulator was used. This has been corrected.
*PC The transaction code maintenance could fail to recognise the accumulator when ? to find the accumulator was used. This has been corrected.
*PC The transaction code listing could fail to recognise the accumulator when ? to find the accumulator was used. This has been corrected.
*PC The year end screen would, when warning about the last time it was run, display that date in non-standard format YY/MM/DD, which could be confusing. The screen now uses format MM/DD/CCYY.
*SA The sales analysis user defined report would ignore the key range on the detail item if item number was used as a sub-total and the range of items was first to last. This has been corrected.
*SA The sales analysis user defined report would, after reading a saved set of parameters, keep the record locked preventing a second user from using that same set of parameters. This has been corrected.
*SA The sales analysisy user defined report has been enhanced to use the standard counter system, so that internet use of the report will not experience slow downs due to the counter being updated too often.
Release 35.169 (14.07)
Aug 09 2019
*AP Accounts Payable The quick check function could, when auto posting to the G/L, get an error message saying “someone is posting general journal entries Can’t run your selection now”.. This has been corrected.
*AP Accounts Payable The period end function would assume the beinning of the current periodwas the first of the month that the period end date occurs in, but this did not allow for weekly periods that fall outside month boundaries. This has been corrected
*AP Accounts Payable The void check function would create a vendor history record using the
void-check’s date for the distribution date instead of the actual distribution date. This has been corrected
*AR Accounts ReceivableThe cash transaction entry could create an incorrect unposted record that gets left behind if the transaction is deleted. This has been corrected.
*MS Multisite The script has been enhanced to support -a <file> as an option to attach a file to the email.
*CB Custom Bonded The customs bonded document processing would not find the inbond number in the response (C1) to an inbond query (CQ). This has been corrected.
*CB Custom Bonded The arrival entry screen has been updated to show the “ship-date” from the OE order, or “posted” if the order is no longer on file.
*CB Custom Bonded The arrival report now includes a column for the order ship-date .
*CB Custom Bonded The DIS label codes listing would, when a specific agency code (or document type) was selected, show everything except that agency (or document type). This has been corrected.
*CB Custom Bonded The document image history function has been enhanced to have the F7 filter feature, to allow finding all the images related to a specific entry number or a specific purchase order.
*CB Custom Bonded The enter/view details screen would not show the purchase order number or the line number, when called from the ACE document image history function, when the original PO had been received. This has been corrected.
*GL General Ledger The General Ledger Chart of accounts list, when exported to Excel, would print the budget/comparative amount for the current period in every period. This has been corrected.
*GL General Ledger The general journal posting would leave the TRXFIL record with spaces in the user id field, instead of using the user id of whoever created the general journal transaction. This has been corrected.
*GL General Ledger The general journal edit list could get a fatal file error 96 when sorting by document number and suppressing the zero balance documents, and all documents get suppressed. This has been corrected.
*GL General Ledger The extended trial balance would only show the processing date column when the processing date was outside the current reporting period. This has been corrected.
*GL General Ledger The standard journal posting would leave the TRXFIL record with spaces in the user id field instead of using the user id of whomever posted the standard journals this time. This has been corrected.
*GL General Ledger The trial balance would only show the processing date column when the processing date was outside the current reporting period. This has been corrected.
*IC Inventory Management The change item number function would, if the import file option was used, try to display more than the first 10 entries, and could get an index out of bounds error. This has been corrected.
*IC Inventory Management Inventory Control The change item number function would allow the “to” item# to be the same as the from item#. This has been corrected.
*IC Inventory Management The change item number function would rename/merge the item record in the middle with the other files instead of waiting until the end. This was a problem if the process got interrupted and had to be resumed, so the item file is now processed last.
*IC Inventory Management The item history function to adjust history from status has been changedto use the standard record counter logic instead of showing the item# and date of the transactions currently being processed, as this is more efficient.
*IC Inventory Management The Price list in Inventory now allows you to specify to show items that are active or inactive only.
*IC Inventory Management The inventory posting could skip adjustment transactions created by the billing module and they would have to be posted separately. This has been corrected.
*IC Inventory Management The inventory transaction posting could, when two offsetting transactions have a cost which is right on the rounding boundary of 1/2 cent, end up with a leftover penny due to rounding twice. This has beencorrected.
*IC Inventory Management The kit list function has been enhanced to ask whether to print the component information. This allows the listing to show just the kit items themselves.
*OE Billing The Find Order window now uses the A and D hotkeys to sort ascending or descending.
*OE Billing The view invoice history function to view by invoice number would include component line values in the invoice total, if the invoice had a miscellaneous kit on it. This has been corrected.
*OE Billing The rapid entry (and retail entry) screen would set the order status from incomplete to complete (or selected) when tab out of the line adding to get to the totals section at the bottom even if the user resumed adding more lines. This has been corrected so the order status remains incomplete until after exiting the entry screen for that order.
*OE Billing Order Entry would not update the salesman when pressing F1 to show the next ship-to address for the customer. This has been corrected.
*OE Billing The orders enter function would not mark the order as in use, when the order was found using the F1 or Shift-F1 options. This has been corrected.
*OE Billing The orders enter function has been enhanced so that when using F1 or Shift F1, to find an order but the order is marked as in use by another user, the message will now allow enter to retry the current order and F1/ShF1 to go to the next/previous order.
*PA Purchasing Purchasing’s Purchase requests would allow a PO to be created for a vendor that has been marked as inactive. This has been corrected.
*PC Canadian Payroll The control information screen for funds transfer information has a new file format option for JP morgan CPA format.
*PC Canadian Payroll The calculate journal entry would not record the employee number with the GL distributions for the monthly benefit transactions on the employees, when the “detail in journal entry” is set to yes. This has been corrected.
*PS Point-of-Sale The end of day would not do the get distributions part of the “auto post” feature unless the I/C control information said to post the transactions, even if the interface method was set to something other than “No Auto Post”. This has been corrected.
*RW The print to screen was making the second dashed line of the headers brown instead of black. This has been corrected.
*SC The find tickets function has been enhanced to show a counter when building the work file, purging it, and when paging up/down (using a filter) so that when a large # of records have been loaded, any delays are
still giving feeback about progress.
*TC Time and Attendance Shift definition maintenance could, when using the next/prev record function, display records with invalid field values. This has been corrected.
Release 35.168 (14.07)
Jun 11 2019
*AP Accounts Payable would accumulate the PTD and YTD amounts based on distribution date instead of invoice date. This has been corrected.
*IC The I/C distributions to G/L report field for journal number would leave the screen blank, instead of displaying “All”, when F1 was hit to set “All” as the selection criteria. This has been corrected.
*IC The item maintenance would not allow a supplier number be the same as the item number, even though it is common to use a supplier’s part number as one’s own. This has been corrected.
*OE The line item entry could set the quantity committed wrong if the item was lot controlled, and the option inside the lot allocation window was used for changing the line quantities, then after the line was finished the user pressed F5 to select a line. This has been corrected.
*OE The billing posting would allow the selection of an eSend printer as the device to send reports to, but it would ask for the eSend information multiple times, allowing the user to tab out without specifying designation information, and causing the reports to be lost. This has been Changed – The eSend printer option has been removed from the selection window for the billing option for Post Invoices.
*PA The find vendor item function (?2 in the item# field when processing a PO) has been enhanced to show both the vendor item# and the inventory item# and to show column headings so it is easy to tell which is which.
*SF The screen saver function that requires entry of a password to get back into the system would record failed attempts to log back in, but would not reset the count once log in was successful, meaning a session could get locked when it should not. This has been corrected.
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