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A costing module from Samco Software designed to integrate your business. Samco Job Cost connects to your Samco Power Accounting suite of applications. Allowing you to be as lean as possible while helping you grow your business.Samco Job Cost is a robust and intuitive option for handling manufacturing processes and other jobs in your current Samco Power Accounting system. It allows more precise control and streamlined workflow.
Enter and edit new and in-progress jobs.
Track costs including labour and materials.
Enter budgets for all detailed costs.
Enter complete estimates for jobs.
Copy from one job to another to create new jobs quickly.
Save completed jobs and restore to active status.
Enter transactions across the accounting applications and see them in Job Cost.
Personalize jobs with up to 30 user-defined fields.
Samco Job Cost lets you track your work process. Giving you valuable insight into where costs are concentrated and showing you how to reduce them. The ability to compare actual costs to your budget instantly informs you of inefficiencies. Combine and access information from different departments to make good decisions. By integrating with your Samco Power Accounting applications you are able to track costs, income and profits all from an easy to use and comprehensive system. Discover your manufacturing potential and grow your business.
Job Cost gives you the power to create, edit and track all your jobs, including in-progress jobs. You can provide better lead-times for customers with completion estimates for individual jobs and projects. Create new jobs even more quickly by copying from a previous job. Budget all your jobs easily including detailed costs of all resources. Integration with Samco Power Accounting allows you to enter additional transactions directly from the Job Cost module. You can also enter your costs in the appropriate module (AP, Payroll, Inventory and AR) and see those transactions appear in Job costs, allowing for an easy to manage, streamlined accounting department.
Powerful and concise reporting is what you need to make the right decisions. Samco Job Cost is ready to report with a full set of robust and ready to use reports. Allowing you to gain insight and grow your business while at the same time providing excellent customer service.

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