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Automotive and Tire Accounting Software
Samco Power Accounting can accomodate the Tire maintenance industry. The Tire & Automotive software module tracks vehicle maintenance and tire usage. Keeping a complete vehicle history so you can monitor truck use and wear.
Being able to spot problems before they happen is a key to reducing costs in automotive industries. That’s why Samco Tire & Automotive software has the ability to track use and wear so you can perform scheduled preventative maintenance and be sure equipment is always in good condition.
Prevent service outages.
Prevent equipment damage.
Track equipment use.
Track asset maintenance.
Maintain equipment on schedule.
Reduce costs due to missed maintenance.
Increase productivity by scheduling maintenance off peak work time.
Gain business insight by tracking all service and maintenance.
Make decisions easily with the right information, including maintenance schedules, odometer readings and full service history.
Complete PACE data conversion.
Multi warehouse pricing and costing.
Separate warehouse for cores.
Transfer between multiple stores with head office reconciling.
Miscellaneous receiving cost for landed cost.
Authorization on POS user and cash control.
Password protection.
Sales tax override.
Use existing invoice and cheque forms.
Track an invoice or order by five different user defined fields.
The Tire & Automotive module gives control over parts and repair service for the specialized service industry. Tire & Automotive specifically has the ability to make use of cores, casings and retreads. This means your equipment trailer number, dealer, serial number, vehicle identification number, license number and lease fleet number are easily added to vehicles. Keeping a close eye on your equipment from the start means you can have a clear picture in the future.
Integrated with the Point of Sale, and Purchasing modules means that you can easily find maintenance related orders or invoices and drill down to see what work was done. See odometer readings and track distance travelled for invoicing.
Tire & Automotive software has the added ability to report on maintenance, missed and overdue maintenance, allowing you to make decisions easily before you have service outages or equipment failures.
8661 – 201st St., 2nd Floor, Langley, BC V2Y 0G9 Canada
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